Editor-in-Chief, Amy Introduces the May Issue

It’s been quite unimaginable and difficult to see what has taken place in our current situation with the global pandemic of COVID-19. A life of social distancing and Zoom meetings replacing the hustle and bustle energy of our everyday life. This has quickly become our new norm. During this time, it seems that everyone also has been gripped by the same questions- What does the future hold? How will our industry recover? And, also, even more importantly —how can we learn, adapt and create change for the better?
For all the disheartening damages we’re seen and challenges we’ve endured, it is also evident that there is opportunity. When we come back from this crisis—which we will—we should come back with purpose: stronger and more thoughtful and more creative and sustainable in what we do.
So in that spirit of optimism, I’m thrilled to announce our Self-Care and Self-Love issue. Each one of us could all use a little hope right now. In this issue you’ll find new ways to dress for your next Zoom call, how to rejuvenate your daily skincare routine, and how to pamper yourself during this time of seltering in place. We need to talk honestly and openly about what individuals and our industry are going through, and just as importantly, we need to start imagining what comes next.
Welcome to the issue.

Amy McCabe