Guest Editor Frida Aasen Introduces the March Issue
Dear All Modeliste Readers!
I first of all would like to start by saying thank you to Modeliste magazine for giving me the opportunity to be a guest editor of the February Voices for Change & Empowerment issue.
As a model I am in many ways a blank canvas for other peoples creations and ideas. It’s amazing to be a part of making these incredible stories and seeing how some of the most creative people in the world work. I love to be part of the process where people can use me as their canvas for expressing themselves. Having been in this industry for many years, I am now lucky enough to sometimes get to contribute to this process in a more direct way. On my Modeliste cover shoot with Bryce Thompson, we truly worked together to create something new and exciting. It was so fulfilling to be a part of the vision from start to finish. In addition, to be asked to be a guest editor solidified this even more – so thank you!
This past year we have been through what has for many been one of the most difficult and challenging years of their lives. 2020 has given us a lot of challenges, but also given us a big opportunity to look inward. To reflect and assess the life we have been given and are living. To not take for granted a single moment of freedom, time spent with our loved ones, our health and above all showed us the importance of solidarity towards each other as humans.
Going into 2021 I believe that we, with the time we have had to look within ourselves, have changed for the better. We have seen how the power in numbers is so important when it comes to addressing issues and making change. We have seen how incredibly powerful it is for us to use our voices in matters that are crucial to us. We have realized the power that platforms like social media have to spread awareness, educate and inform, and how anyone, anywhere, can take advantage of that. Let’s keep raising our voices on matters that are important to us, because even if it won’t happen overnight, it will make a difference.
I am looking forward to seeing how much more we will evolve in the next year, and I am so excited for what the future has to bring.