20 Questions with Alissa Janay

Photographed by Logan Hill
Location Garza Blanca Cancun

Alissa Janay

What’s the first thing you thought of this morning?
The first thing I thought of this morning is, “I can’t believe I’m still waking up here.”

How would you describe yourself, in three words?
I would describe myself as fun, kind and happy.

How did you begin your career as an influencer, and what steps did you take to get where you are today?
I just started posting photos. I really love to do makeup and fashion, and I just started out taking photos and having fun in general.

What’s something your followers may not know about you?
Something my followers may not know about me is that I have a daughter and she’s almost two.

As an influencer, how do you hope to influence people most through your products and through your platforms?
I hope to influence people just to feel good about themselves, to feel beautiful in their own skin and just feel beautiful as your natural self, honestly. Perfect.

What can people expect to see from you in 2021?
People can expect to see more content, more vacation, more braids.

What would you consider to be your uniform?
A cutout dress, for sure.

Vintage or designer?

What’s your favorite vintage find?
Probably like a purse. Any, vintage purse is really cool.

Sneakers or heels?
Sneakers. Always comfortable. Super sporty. Cute.

What is your go-to beauty look at this very moment?

A fox eye with natural, glowing skin and a glossy lip.

What is your favorite Pixi product?
My favorite Pixi product is the glow finishing spray.

Who are the three women that are blowing your mind right now?
Three women that are blowing my mind right now: Always Beyonce, always my mom, and always my grandma.

What was your favorite part of your getaway with Modeliste at Garza Blanca?
My favorite part about this amazing resort getaway was meeting new people and being able to make new friends and having a great time together.

Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans?
Thank you guys for always supporting me and you guys are all so fun and nice. I love interacting with you guys, so I just hope to do it more.

What do you love most about Modeliste Magazine?
What I love the most about Modeliste Magazine is the diversity everybody’s included, no matter how you look or who you are. And it’s just really cool if they showcase all different types of people.


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