20 questions with Asia Monet Ray

Asia Monet Ray
Photography by @olesjamueller
Stylist @angeltailan

Hello gorgeous, Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My Name is Asia Monet, I’m a Singer/Artist, Actress , Model and Dancer! Born and raised in OC/LA, daughter of Hall of Fame Bodybuilder Shawn Ray. My life has definitely been a whirlwind of so many blessings but a lot of hard work! I’m so very dedicated to my craft and always see room for improvement for myself and others. I have a passion for inspiring others and finding anyway I can to help and set positive examples for my generation and the next to come. I love animals more than anything and hope to one day have a rescue farm of my own! Overall success takes time and I’m always ready for the challenges, trials and tests to come through my journey God has for me.

How would you define yourself in three words?
The best 3 words that define me are Loving, Passionate, and Driven.

In what ways have you been incorporating self – care into your daily routine?
Self-care is very important to me and I try to incorporate it into my daily routine by working out everyday, making time for skincare and face masks, writing and listening to music, spending time with animals (including my 3 birds and dog), fitting in facetimes with my closest friends and keeping a clear mindset by journaling with a candle always near by.

What’s the most fulfilling part of your job?
I would most definitely say, being able to inspire others through my work, while doing the things I love the most. I’ve always loved to entertain, spread joy, encourage positivity and change while being able to do that through my work, socials platforms, makes me the happiest person and drives me to continue what I’m doing daily.

Can you tell us about an exciting time in your career?

I’ve been very blessed with several exciting times in my career, so it’s really hard to just pick one. But I can always remember the feeling when I got the call from my manager, that I was cast as Sydney Simpson in American Crime Story, OJ vs. The People. I was so excited and couldn’t believe I’d be working with Director Ryan Murphy and this A-list cast. It was one of my 2nd acting role and it was a really great and super busy time in my career. Then, not too long after that I was fortunate enough to get a call to sing at 11 years old at a sold out staples center crowd for the LA Clippers. That was definitely a night to remember. To look up at that whole stadium and see that many people, it was so Amazing! I really felt that this is exactly what I was meant to do. Last, another exciting time in my Career was Performing alongside Mariah Carey for a Month in New York during the Holidays at a sold out Beacon Theater. I was cast to dance for her, but then was also asked to sing 2 solos during the shows as well, which I still can’t believe to this day how amazing that time was. It was such an incredible experience to perform live.

What would you title this current chapter in your life?
This chapter in life would be called “Growth and Self-Love.”

How do you educate yourself on ways of maintaining healthy skin?
Coming from someone who grew up with a Mother who was an paramedical esthetician, who instilled proper ways of cleansing , toning and moisturizing by the age of 5. I’d definitely say she was the most influential when it came to skincare awareness. Now that I’m older I’m obsessed with product knowledge, scientific research, origin of the brand and high grade ingredients. I’m still learning so much when it comes to product knowledge and ingredients but, I always make sure to do my research, ALWAYS read the reviews and try them out myself to share my thoughts with my audience.

What do you love most about Pixi Beauty?
There’s so many things that I love about Pixi Beauty, first of all it would be their Founder/Owner Petra. She has created a brand from the ground up after being a makeup artist for many years, I admire that she has created a brand that is constantly reminding people of their natural beauty and conveying that through her products for the past 20+ years. Fun Fact: Pixi was one of the first makeup brands I started using and truly made me fall in love with enhancing natural beauty.

What are your top 3 favorite Pixi Beauty products?
My Top 3 Favs from Pixi are their Glow Mud Mask , Liplift Max and OF COURSE THE INFAMOUS GLOW TONIC !!

What does the word empowerment mean to you?
Empowerments to me means : Finding confidence in oneself to be able to share a positive encouragement , to lift others , to USE YOUR VOICE , to be able to convey a message through your powerful valid words and most importantly to be that person to others that you wish you had in your life when you needed it the most!

In what ways do you use your platform for the greater good? 

I’m grateful to have a large platform to be a positive role model and able to share my craft, encouragement, current affairs/event, causes that are important to me, people who inspire me and be a voice of influence

During these tough times, what has kept you motivated?
The last several months have been tough on just about everyone I’m sure. Me, going from having a busy schedule to literally a dead stop a couple months ago, to now trying to do a little more stuff out of the house, but still social distancing and wearing my mask, I would say what keeps me motivated is my passion for my music and just taking this time to grow in my craft as a artist, and be able to have time to write and post more music covers. I think that has really helped me stay connected and stay motivated.

How do you remain fit, active, and healthy with stay-at-home orders intact?
Coming from a family full of athletes who are in the fitness industry and having dancer background and being an ex my gymnast myself, I’ve always loved working out and finding to ways to improvise when it comes to self quarantine. During quarantine i have incorporated finding new ways of cardio as in hiking and enjoying some air, while going hardcore on the abs at home!!

As a creative in quarantine, how have you found inspiration and ways to create?
I’ve actually been more creative during this time than before by, finding alternative ways of inspiration through music, books, writing, using social media for fashion and beauty and educating myself on current affairs.

What and/or who has had the most influence on your growth and why?
I’d say my mom because she always supported, encouraged, sacrificed and pushed me to do the times I was good at and to constantly continue working hard on my craft. There’s so many things that I can say about her and the things she’s done for me but , most importantly, has always used words and knowledge to encourage me to continue what I do.

How can you as an individual actively take part in fighting a system of oppression and standing in solidarity with your peers of color to amplify their voices?
There is so much to say as we still continue to this day a non-stop fight against a system of oppression. I will continue to stand in solidarity with my Black Community. I will always make sure I am doing what I can as an individual and make it a point to use my platform to reach out and continue to amplify our voices against racism and hold those accountable. We must as individuals be active big or small to support our Black owned business, donate what we can to our Black community and foundations in need and keep our foot on the gas … and keep fighting , educating yourself and uplifting our sisters and brothers!!! Fighting for a change, fighting for reforms , fighting for Justice. Fighting for our cilvil rights, Dignity and Liberation for ALL BLACK LIFES!!!

How have you found ways to educate yourself and those around you?
At the age of 15, I am still educating myself, reading Books, watching suggested Movies and making time to join Live streams on current affairs, conversations with top speakers of my Black community. I’m learning more about Black History than I ever have before in my life, so I can be more educated. I’m too young to vote, but when the time comes in 3 years when I am 18, I will definitely be prepared. Education is everything!!

What do you think are ways that others can help society and our surrounding communities?

There are endless ways to help society and the world. Here are a few things: Be a Voice for what is right, hold people accountable, educate yourself, Vote if you are eligible and 18. If you have a social platform, use it!! Follow Black Community Educators. Get involved big or small. Donate to a foundation in need. Fight Racism on all levels!!!

In what ways has your life changed due to current events?
At 15 years old I feel like I have mentally prepared myself that the fight has just begun and we need to continue to apply pressure and fight for the change we need to see! I continue to learn and educate myself with my peers, and be a voice as much as I can.  But I do feel Life has changed for all of us and we need to do better as a society. Love Wins.

What advice do you have for someone who aspires to create a career like your own?
My advice would truly be “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it”, everything takes hard work no matter how long it takes, to never give up, to never let people steer you away from what you are passionate about and what you love. Remember we are all unique individuals with different callings and must always support others and their dreams. No dream is too big, so never settle for less.

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