20 Questions with Brandi Cyrus


Photographed by Sarah Krick

Hodges Bay Resort & Spa

The ever evolving Brandi Cyrus has added a multitude of talents to her career resume. The co-host of podcast ‘Your Favorite Thing’, actress, singer, DJ by night, and mother to 18 animals by day, she keeps her audience engaged on her social media platforms by sharing her DJ sets, fur babies, life at home, family and her new love. During our getaway to Hodges Bay Resort and Spa in Antigua, Brandi shared with Modeliste what we can expect to see from her in the new year, where she draws her creativity in her many ventures, and what inspires her the most.

Tell Modeliste readers a bit about yourself.
I live in Nashville, TN which happens to be my hometown. I’ve landed there for now after a six year stint in Los Angeles and a short year living in Denver, CO. I live on a mini-farm and take care of 18 animals, mostly rescues and retirees. Right now my day-job is tending to the animals and working with my competition horse. I’ve ridden and competed horses my whole life, it’s my other passion outside of music – but by night, I’m a DJ and a podcast host. But it was quite the winding road to get here! It’s no secret that I’m one of the five Cyrus kids, and I’ve spent a lifetime both in the background and the foreground of the entertainment industry. From working on the set of Hannah Montana, to signing a record deal of my own at 21, and now performing as a DJ at clubs and festivals all around the U.S… it’s been a wild ride of an adult life so far, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

What are three goals you hope to accomplish in the new year?
2020 was set up to be a big year for my career. I was slated to go on a four month tour as an opener for Sam Hunt, and all of that came to a screeching halt because of the Coronavirus. I haven’t played a live show since March, so my career goal is to hopefully get back to performing! A personal goal for me is to practice more mindfulness in my daily routines. Lastly, my equestrian goals are to be competing consistently well in the Adult Amateur Jumper division with my new young horse, Starpower.

What is a valuable lesson you learned in the year of 2020?
I think 2020 has been very revealing about what is truly most important in life. We live in a world where work and career goals take the front seat and that’s where the majority of our time is spent. The thing this year has given me is TIME – time to spend with people and investing in those relationships and also time to do things that make your heart happy and feed your soul. Going forward, I’d like to find more balance for all of those things in my life!

How did you develop your career as an influencer?
To be honest I just sort of fell into this whole influencer world. I was living in L.A. and my band Frank & Derol had just called it quits – due to both issues with our record label and creative difference within the band. I was only 26 and I was so burned out on music that I wanted to try something else. I signed a contract with Next Models and they encouraged me to start a fashion blog. I’ve always loved clothes and styling and I had taken photography classes in college so I had an interest in that too. So I started my blog, ‘Style Native’, shooting street style with friends in LA and simultaneously growing my Instagram account. Over the next few years, between my blog & socials, attending brand events, and working as an on-air host for Fuse TV, I noticed that I had started to become labeled as an “influencer” – and here we are! I still have ‘Style Native’, and have grown that to include beauty, travel, and lifestyle. I also co-host two podcasts, which has become a huge part of my brand as well. The first is ‘Your Favorite Thing’ with my friend Wells Adams, and the second is ‘Sorry We’re Stoned’ with my mom Tish.

Where do you gain inspiration for your content?
One of the reasons I love to travel so much is because of the inspiration that it brings. When it comes to style and aesthetic, I draw a lot of that inspo from where I am and/or where I’ve been. There’s something about exploring a new place and learning from different cultures that just puts a new spin on your perspective and there’s nothing else quite like it!

What factors go into the content you share on your social media?
Definitely the most important thing to me is authenticity. When someone looks at my Instagram page, I want it to be a true reflection of the person that I am. Of course I want the HQ photos, and the pretty presents (I am a creative, after all), but I believe that people connect with what they can relate to. So I share a little bit of everything that I love: fashion, beauty, horses, my dog Astra, photos with my family and boyfriend – and maybe my favorite thing to share which are my travel photos!

What can Modeliste readers expect to see from you in the year of 2021?
I really hope you find me back in the DJ booth at a club or festival near you! I’ll also be continuing weekly podcast episodes and have some exciting stuff in the works to expand on those and bring something new to the listeners!

How do you hope to influence people through your digital platforms?
Any time I post something on social media, I want it to bring something positive. Maybe that’s a smile from a dog photo, a laugh through a podcast episode, inspiration to wear something new, or travel somewhere you’ve never been. My goal is always to spread light to people around me.

What inspires you and your career?
I am surrounded by so many incredible people and I find inspiration from all of them. Starting with my family… each one of them oozes such an insane amount of talent and in such a unique way, it’s impossible not to be inspired by it on a daily basis. I also have countless friends that are so hardworking and such go-getters and many of them are also creatives doing incredible things. Strangers are inspiring too! Especially those who have become friends, like the other girls in this issue of Modeliste Magazine — Nicole, Luana, and Cenit. We had such a wonderful time in Antigua, and I was very inspired by each one of them for their hard work and dedication to their craft, and also for being such cool, nice girls who are fun to be around. I can’t say that about everyone that I meet, so when I do meet awesome people in this industry, it makes an impression!

What would you like to say to your fans?
I love you guys!! Thank you for all of the love and support and a special shoutout to anyone that’s a YFTer or a Stoner – our podcast communities are so wonderful and I am so thankful for you all!

What is at the top of your bucket list?
When I think of my bucket list I immediately think TRAVEL, so I’ll give you my top 5 travel destination bucket list: Patagonia, Finland, Israel, Alaska, and Hawaii.

What is the easiest and hardest part of being an influencer?
The easiest part is definitely being able to work from anywhere and completely control your own schedule. The hardest part though for me is feeling like everything you do is being judged. Granted, the majority of my followers are so lovely and send the kindest messages of love and support, but there are always a few haters that slip through with ugly things to say. I just try to focus on the large community of awesome people that make up my social media world!

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Recently I watched the show Virgin River on Netflix and said on my podcast, “I wanna live THERE!” It’s soooo beautiful. A small mountain town along a beautiful glacial river… and it’s a real place! A quick Google search says that it’s filmed just outside of Vancouver. Sign me up!! I’m a mountain girl at heart.

How did you enjoy your stay with Modeliste at The Hodges Bay Resort & Spa?
I brought my boyfriend along on this trip to Antigua – after 7 months apart this year, I just couldn’t leave him behind – and we had the absolute best time! The Hodges Bay Resort was a dream. Our suite had a stunning ocean view, and we spent a lot of our time on the small private island just off the coast of the bay, which was probably my favorite part of staying at the hotel. We’re definitely looking forward to coming back again some day.


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