20 Questions with Brittany Sky

Four Seasons Punta Mita

Photographed by Logan Hill

Creator, Artist, and DJ

Meet DJ, model, influencer, and youtuber – Brittany Sky. A New York Native that has influenced people all over the world with her talents. Whether it’s mixing beats for top artists such as Future or Justine Skye, starring in music videos for Kendrick Lamar, or sharing beauty tutorials she remains a growing creative to the entertainment industry. Brittany remains a growing public figure establishing partnerships with prominent brands such as, Nike, Beats By Dre, BET Network, and more. In our exclusive interview we discuss how Brittany spent her time as a creative in quarantine, ways to navigate life with new norms, lifestyle tips, and our influencer getaway to The Four Seasons, Punta Mita.

Tell us three things we might not know about you.

Three things you might not know about me: I’m shy, but I have an alter ego; we call her Litany. I’m also spontaneous. And what’s another thing? I am never on time, and it’s something I’m working on, but nobody’s perfect.

What inspires you?

I’m really inspired by travel. I love traveling. I feel seeing how people live in other countries, learning what their traditions and their customs are like, that inspires me. Also, family inspires me. My friends inspire me. Just people overall inspire me. So I would say travel and people.

What’s on the top of your bucket list? Any destination or anything you’re looking to do?

One of the things that’s on the top of my bucket list is to get rich, okay? If we’re being real. But one of the other things is, I kind of feel like I’m leaning more into purpose now and I want to do things with purpose. I want to take trips with purpose. I want to put more intention behind my work, because I’ve done a lot of cool things in my life, but I feel like that’s the only missing thing and I’m starting to work toward that. That’s the only missing puzzle piece, and I’m getting there.

 How do you manage time between social media and your personal life?

Sometimes I have a hard time managing time; balancing social media and my personal life. It’s really easy to get wrapped up in what you have going on your phone, especially because that’s a big part of how I make my money. But I’m learning balance. I’m learning to put the phone down sometimes and focus on what’s happening, be present. But then on the other end, I’m also addicted to it, because I’m like, “The hustle doesn’t stop”, and it’s really easy to get caught up in seeing what your friends are doing or the people that inspire you that you follow. So I’m working on it.

With all of the new restrictions, how have you found ways to be more creative, either with your content or engaging in social media?

With all of the restrictions that we have now due to our circumstances, I have found a way to kind of get a lot closer to my followers and my subscribers. I was doing IG Lives. I was playing live sets on IG Live. I was answering questions that people, I guess, always wanted to know. I didn’t know they wanted to know, but I realized that I never truly opened up like I have during this time. It’s brought me a lot closer to my audience, so I’m grateful for that. And I’ve also grown a lot closer to my friendship group. A lot of us are in music entertainment and we’ve been able to collaborate on things, and I’m just so grateful for that.

What can we expect to see from you in the months we have left of 2020? Are you working on any new projects or anything exciting?

So what you can expect from me for the rest of 2020 is, I shot a commercial, which I’m really excited about. So if you see me, get excited. I’m also working on original music. That’s something that’s really important to me. Music is my first love and I feel like it’s really easy for me to get distracted with everything else going on in terms of social posting and YouTube, which I bring my subscribers along on that journey too. I am really excited to focus on music and put together a project and a piece of work that really embodies who I am. I’m looking forward to that and spending time with the people that I care about. The holidays are coming up, so I really look forward to spending time with my family.

What do you love most about the Four Seasons Punta Mita?

I love everything about this hotel. Honestly, I usually travel and I go off of the resort or leave the compound where I stay, but this place is amazing. Swear to you, 10 out of 10. I’m telling all my friends, “If you need to go somewhere and you want to travel, visit this place.”
The hospitality and service is really, really, really amazing. It’s just a beautiful location. You have the beach right here. You can’t see it, but it’s right here. There are several pools. It’s family friendly so if you have kids, there’s a pool for that. The food’s impeccable, okay? Impeccable. You’ve just got to come and see for yourself because my words won’t do it justice. I promise.

How do you stay up-to-date with beauty and fashion trends?

Well, the way I stay up-to-date with beauty and fashion trends is looking at magazines and social media. I get really inspired by that, like I said before. I’ll save or bookmark outfit ideas, or beauty ideas that I love. Someone might post about an esthetician or a beauty brand that I never heard of, and I am “Oh, I didn’t know they carried this”, and then I’ll go out and buy it because I buy everything. I’m such a sucker for packaging too, by the way.
That’s how I kind of keep up-to-date. My mom’s really into fashion, so she keeps me hip to what’s going on in the high fashion world. But I’m kind of like a high and low girl. I like to balance the boujee things at a higher price point with the things that are more affordable and that look good. But I guess I’m just following my own trend to some degree. I don’t really believe in trends anymore.

What is your ultimate beauty tip?

So I have several ultimate beauty tips, but my ultimate beauty tip here in Punta Mita has been to use less; less makeup. So I’ve been using the Pixi blush and highlighter. During the day, this is, because you know at night I like to glam. But during the day, it’s really, really hot and it’s really humid, so I feel like less is more. And I just feel like it’s all about skin. What people don’t know is that blush can wake you up. So if you put on some blush and some concealer and some nice highlighter, you’re good to go. But here, you don’t even need all that. All you need is blush, highlighter. And even the Pixi mascara, I’ll put it on my bottom lashes and I’m good to go.

 How have you been incorporating fitness into your daily routine?

So fitness during this whole lockdown quarantine situation has been a really important thing that I’ve committed to. I’ve never committed to something like that ever. Well, I’ve never committed to fitness in that way. So I’ve grown to love fitness during this whole quarantine lockdown, and it’s taught me a lot about myself. It’s taught me discipline. It’s taught me how to be strong, how to be calm and how to tune out certain things. And on this trip, we had an awesome opportunity to do yoga, and I got to wear Lorna Jane, which I love. It’s very comfortable, it’s very stretchy, and it’s cute clothing. If I wasn’t on this trip, I’m an errands girl, so after I go to the gym or after I work out, I will literally go run errands and I like to look cute doing it. And I really think her clothes are amazing and it’s really great quality. So yeah, just being calm and at peace. And we got to do that here in Punta Mita.

 If you could spend a day with anyone anywhere in the world, who would you pick and where would you go?

If I could plan a trip with anyone in the world, who would I pick and where would I go? If I could plan a trip with anyone in the world, I would have to choose like two or three people. So the first person I would choose would be … I would probably want to go on a trip with Beyonce and Michelle Obama, because I know they’re friends, and they’re kind of in two different age brackets, but Michelle’s the GOAT and Beyonce is the GOAT. And I feel like they’re so private, but they do so much behind the scenes. And like I said earlier, everything they do is with purpose and great intent. So I would just want to see what their other side is like, because like I said, I’m really shy, but when Litany comes out, that’s like a whole other person. So I would like to see who they are. And I’d probably say, I would want to go somewhere in Africa with them, just wile out, have fun, and enjoy the culture.
And then I would say, my mom is another person I’d love to travel with. When I was younger, I’d think it was boring. But now I’m older, I have a greater appreciation for her. So I feel like maybe the South of France. She’s boujee, so something boujee like that.
And then the last group of people would be all of my friends. If I could get them all together, like all of them on a big trip, that would be ideal. I don’t know where we could go. We could go anywhere, honestly. Maybe Turks and Caicos or something. And we’d just have a party every day, all day.

What are three key ingredients to a good life?

I would say, knowing that whatever you’re going through, good or bad, is a temporary feeling. So just be present in that moment, and look at your failures, or don’t even call them failures, just things that you can learn from as learning experiences. And that’s something that I’m still trying to grasp now, because I’ve been the type of person that likes to hold on to things that weren’t going right in that moment, and it’s not always going to be that way. You just learn, you adjust and you get better. And it’s all about leveling up. So I feel like that is one thing.
The second thing I would say is just don’t take anyone for granted. Just with the circumstances that we’re living in, you just see people go like that. So be present, again, and take advantage of your relationships. Like spend time with the people that you care about.
And then the third thing I would say is, just grow with the times. I know it’s really, really hard, especially with social media, but just stay with it, you know? You can distance yourself from it, but you just have to keep evolving. This is what it’s all about. We’re in 2020, baby, get with it.

Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans?

I like to call them my subscribers, or on YouTube, I have this thing called Flight Crew, just because my name is Brittany Sky. But if I could say anything to the people that are subscribed to me anywhere, I would say just thank you for joining me on this journey. I appreciate it. And I have so much more work to do. I’m working on being a better person. I’m working on opening up to you guys. And I’m just grateful that you have allowed me to be in the position that I’m in, where I was able to create the life that I want to live. And here I am. So thank you guys.

What do you love most about Modeliste Magazine?

What I love most about Modeliste Magazine, it just feels like it’s female empowered. You know, I feel like there’s strong females that work behind the scenes to deliver this amazing content. And I feel like that means something to me, because it hasn’t always been easy getting to this level, especially working in the industry that I’m in. So I feel like just being able to surround myself with bosses, female bosses, is really, really, really inspiring. So that’s been one of the things.
I also love that they work hard and they play hard. So that’s cool too. And they just create these amazing experiences where they bring girls together from different walks of lives and we get to spend time with each other and create with each other, get to know each other and even form a sisterhood. So I like that.

What is your favorite part of our “Mode around the Globe” Four Seasons Punta Mita getaway?

I guess my favorite part about this Modeliste, “Mode Around the Globe”, Punta Mita experience has been meeting new girls. I feel like I know a lot of people in my circle, you know, in my field of work, but I feel like this is a whole new group, and everyone’s been really sweet, everyone’s been really, really nice. And just having fun, opening up, sharing ideas and just soaking in all of this beauty because, wow!!

All right, guys, I hope you enjoyed this Q&A. Make sure you follow me @brittanysky on pretty much every social media platform, including YouTube. And yeah, just be on the lookout for what I have coming. I hope you guys enjoyed this little piece and I’ll see you soon.


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