20 Questions with Daniela Braga

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Where are you from?
I am from São Paulo, Brazil.

Describe yourself in 3 words.
Happy, curious, strong and independent.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I love to read! My favorite author is Sidney Sheldon and my favorite book is Master of the Game. I also take French classes.

What is a goal you hope to accomplish in your career?
I’ve had so many goals achieved, walking for Victoria’s Secret and Balmain, being on covers of numerous magazines, as well as having big campaigns with Givenchy and Pantene among others. I think my next goal is to get a beauty contract; not only for the beautiful make up, but to represent a lot of women who have gone through a lot and are still strong and fighting for what is right. As a Latina I like to represent my culture while inspiring other women to be the boss that we all truly are.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?
I have 2 certificates from Harvard, 1 in Egyptian Art and Archaeology and the other is in the History of Judaism. I speak 3 languages Portuguese, English, Spanish and I am learning my fourth one, French.

If you could only have 3 items of clothing in your closet for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
A pair of high heels, a long dress and a black short dress.

Where is your favorite place to be, and why?
Paris. I love the architecture, the romance, the culture and how full of life the city is.

What is your definition of beauty?

What is your definition of happiness?
Freedom- in life, in love and in your career. When you have freedom you have happiness.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I don’t. I simply do my best today and whatever I put out there, I know I’ll get exactly the same later.

In what ways do you use your platform for the greater good?
I speak a lot about bullying and depression. As someone that has gone through it, it’s important for me to share my own personal experiences to really help people. It’s important to make them understand that they are not alone, and that just like me, they will make it through.

What can people expect to see from you in the remainder of 2021?
Masks and hand sanitizer. LOL.

What has been a highlight in your career?
4 Victoria’s Secret fashion shows, 20 plus covers of magazines as well as my Givenchy campaign and my Balmain resort campaign.

Who/What inspires you the most?
I have many women in my life that inspire me in different ways. Angelina Jolie with her humanitarian work, Michelle Obama with all she accomplished in this society and who she became, and I also love Marilyn Monroe and Amy Winehouse.

Congratulations on your recent engagement, any details on the wedding you can share with us?
Well I didn’t decide anything yet because of COVID-19, but one thing is for sure that I’ll have 3 dresses and I am planning on having a lot of fun. The wedding is going to be in Europe.

While having a career that involves traveling most months, what always makes you feel at home?
My FaceTime calls with my fiancé haha!

Tell us about your recent Cover shoot with Modeliste!
It was so fun shooting with Modeliste and totally different from everything else I’ve ever done! It was such a unique experience.

What was your favorite part of the shoot?
The location. I am a big fan of movies, so to have the opportunity to shoot with that reference and set made me feel like I was in a movie.

What would you like to say to your fans?
That everything you dream about, if you work hard enough you can achieve. Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t do something. I love you!

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