20 questions with Emma Rose

Emma Rose
Photography by RACHEL YABSLEY

Hello gorgeous, Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Emma-Rose. I’m a Sydney based lifestyle influencer, i love to travel and i also own a social media marketing agency.

How would you define yourself in three words?
Free spirited, Passionate, and Compassionate

In what ways have you been incorporating self – care into your daily routine?
Self care to me, means so many things. Taking care of my skin, doing a face mask, working out, meditation. Making time for things daily that put you first is so important.

What’s the most fulfilling part of your job?
Truely, last year when I was traveling the world and experiencing cultures from around the world and sharing that on social and seeing how much joy and wonder it brought my followers and awareness it brought to places not widely traveled.

Can you tell us about an exciting time in your career?
I was in a really cool documentary about social media that’s definitely one and a super cool experience. And I think all of the travel I’ve been blessed to do for work. I’ve been lucky enough to visit places I never dreamed I would see.

What would you title this current chapter in your life?

Reflection and growth. I think with the world slowing down and being unable to have the freedom i once had, it’s made me really find time to look inside and make time for the goals i never made time for previously.

How do you educate yourself on ways of maintaining healthy skin?
I have a great beauty therapist, and an amazing skin care brand i adore. I thank them.

What do you love most about Pixi Beauty?
It’s always consistent. Every new product I try is great and you just trust the quality and integrity of the brand.

What are your top 3 favorite Pixi Beauty products?
Any gloss Pixie brings out – always my favourite. I love the face mist too. I use it in every tropical location I travel too.

What does the word empowerment mean to you?
Its a whole bunch of feelings. Being in control of my own destiny and always working hard for everything i’ve achieved, but in a graceful manner with integrity and honesty, whilst feeling strong and confident, is what empowerment means to me.

In what ways do you use your platform for the greater good?

I always try and spread awareness about world issues and issues that I feel strongly about, and have a voice even in controversial times. Having a big platform and audience is great, but you have to use it for more than your own good and to spread awareness for those that cant at times.

During these tough times, what has kept you motivated?
I think knowing that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and trying to just be present and use this time for some self growth. I always try and be postive in any saddening situation. I’m healthy and safe which i need to be grateful for always.

How do you remain fit, active, and healthy with stay-at-home orders intact?
Luckily having access to a lot of wonderful fitness apps, walks and facetime work out with friends to stay connected, has been super helpful.

As a creative in quarantine, how have you found inspiration and ways to create?
It actually made me think out of the square. A lot of my creativity comes when I travel, so I really had to get back to basics and details and it’s actually been super fun.

What and/or who has had the most influence on your growth and why?
I take so much inspiration from others and myself. Anything I’ve ever really wanted to do I’ve managed to do and I think that comes from my Mum and all her faith in me.

How can you as an individual actively take part in fighting a system of oppression and standing in solidarity with your peers of color to amplify their voices?
I think having a voice, empathy and compassion is so important on social platforms. Having lived in LA for years, I felt truly saddened by the riots to the point where I helped spread awareness for what was going on across my platforms, stood in silence for weeks and actively promoted and bought from black owned businesses, and did not support companies known to uphold racist standards.

How have you found ways to educate yourself and those around you? 

I read a lot. A Lot of blogs, listen to alot of podcasts, educate myself as much as I can from across the world by listening to people I respect, and making my own decisions based on my own research.

What do you think are ways that others can help society and our surrounding communities?
Spreading awareness, having a voice and actively taking actions to support and help people in communities that truly need it.

In what ways has your life changed due to current events?
Well last year i spent half my year travelling for work, this year i caught one international flight before the pandemic hit. My whole job and a lot of my life has changed. I’m just hoping for the best for next year and staying as positive as I can. It’s tough not being able to see my family, but I take comfort in knowing we are in this together.

What advice do you have for someone who aspires to create a career like your own?
Don’t think just do it. Don’t question yourself. Trust yourself, make a plan and then execute it step by step. Draw inspiration from others and have fun in the process.

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