20 Questions with Illyana London


Hello gorgeous, Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Illyana and I am an Editorial fashion and lifestyle blogger. I studied Fashion Design and International Relations at college before starting my blog and Instagram page. I love putting outfits together, trying new beauty hacks, and all things travel. My favourite all time film is “Love Actually”.

How would you define yourself in three words?
If I had to define myself in three words, I would say ambitious, unique and modest.

In what ways have you been incorporating self – care into your daily routine?
Self-care is very important to me and I make sure to treat myself to a pamper session every week. I moisturise my skin every day, massage my face by following facial yoga videos on YouTube, and go on lovely long walks in the countryside to clear my head and get a clearer perspective.

What’s the most fulfilling part of your job?
I love being able to help fellow influencers or ones that are just starting out and looking for tips on how to go about things. I’m amazed and honoured that people want my opinion on style, travel and health.

Can you tell us about an exciting time in your career?

The most exciting time for me was working with big brands like Marc Jacobs for their Daisy Love campaign, followed by the Jimmy Choo Cherry blossom campaign. I never thought that brands like these would ever consider me or even look at my page.

What would you title this current chapter in your life?
I would title it as ‘Just The Beginning’ because, for the first time since I started my blogger career, I finally feel like I am on the right path and I’ve learned so much over the years to the point where now I’m ready to apply this to my career and see where it takes me.

How do you educate yourself on ways of maintaining healthy skin?
I usually watch YouTube for product reviews and see what others are saying before I actually apply something to my skin. I try not mix too many products as that can lead to acne and breakouts which is obviously not ideal.

What do you love most about Pixi Beauty?
I love that Pixi Beauty is kind to my skin, vegan and most importantly I love that it doesn’t test on animals.

What are your top 3 favorite Pixi Beauty products?

My top 3 Pixi Beauty products: Pixi Glow Tonic, Pixi Dream-y Mist, and Hydrating Milky Serum.

What does the word empowerment mean to you?
Doing things not because of who I was, or who I am, but of who I want to be. Always pushing and never feeling held back by my friends, loved ones and most importantly myself.

In what ways do you use your platform for the greater good?
I use my platform to help people out there. As well as talking about fashion and lifestyle, I also talk about subjects people feel uncomfortable about because it’s important to educate. Last month I spoke against skin bleaching and I received lots of messages from people who were thinking about doing it and now aren’t.

During these tough times, what has kept you motivated?
I’ve been reading, going for walks, and following a workout routine just to keep me sane. I’ve also had a love of creating more content each day, which is great because I have something to look forward to everyday.

How do you remain fit, active, and healthy with stay-at-home orders intact?
I found an app called BetterMe which provides exercises with meal plans to follow every day. I chose the areas I wanted to focus on and the app tailored my workouts. All the exercises on the app can be done from home.

As a creative in quarantine, how have you found inspiration and ways to create?

It was extremely difficult to find inspiration at the start of lockdown but as the months went by creating content became a lot easier and I’m actually enjoying it more than I did before the lockdown. I get my inspiration from Pinterest or the explore page on Instagram.

What and/or who has had the most influence on your growth and why?
I started noticing more growth once I created my new Presets in Lightroom and completely changed my editing style. My content used to be extremely washed out but since I switched to a warm editorial aesthetic my growth has been amazing. I also host the occasional giveaway for my followers which always helps with growth.

How can you as an individual actively take part in fighting a system of oppression and standing in solidarity with your peers of color to amplify their voices?
I have been speaking out more on my platform, supporting black owned businesses, and I’m definitely not supporting companies that uphold racist standards. I believe that the black community has been given a chance to speak up and people are listening so silence is not an option.

How have you found ways to educate yourself and those around you?
As a black woman who has experienced racisms, I’ve been speaking my truth, sharing my experiences, recommending films, books and resources for people to educate themselves.

What do you think are ways that others can help society and our surrounding communities?

I think if people have compassion, love and respect for everyone no matter their skin colour, things can change for the better. Kindness changes everything.

In what ways has your life changed due to current events?
I’ve noticed more brands getting in touch to work with me, and I like that my opinion finally matters. More bloggers are sharing black content creators’ accounts in order to diversify their feeds.

What advice do you have for someone who aspires to create a career like your own?
If this is the path you want, do your research, invest time and plan out as much as you can. Never give up because this career could change your life. Always be brave, authentic, and don’t follow what everyone else is doing because uniqueness in the blogging industry is everything.

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