20 Questions with Jasmine Tosh

Photography by ANGIE MEYERS

Hello gorgeous, Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am a model turned social media influencer, digital creator, travel writer, and beachwear designer.

How would you define yourself in three words?
Hardworking, funny, creative.

In what ways have you been incorporating self – care into your daily routine?
I drink a lot of green and chamomile tea, I eat a lot of fruits and veggies daily, I drink a ton of water, I stretch every morning to get my blood pumping, and I take bubble baths at night.

What’s the most fulfilling part of your job?
I love seeing the results after all of my hard work is done. If I am organizing a photo shoot, I love seeing everything work out and the vibe I had visualized come to life!

Can you tell us about an exciting time in your career?
The most exciting part of my career is when I created my swimwear line, Tosh Swimwear in 2017 – four years after I created my blog. I love seeing my followers wearing the designs I’ve created.

What would you title this current chapter in your life?
Definitely “My New Beginning”

How do you educate yourself on ways of maintaining healthy skin?

I stay on top of maintaining healthy skin by reading articles in magazines like Allure and Vogue.

What do you love most about Pixi Beauty?
I love how affordable the products are!

What are your top 3 favorite Pixi Beauty products?
I am actually addicted to all of their gel eye masks – I use them every morning. I also love their Vitamin C masks and Vitamin C Tonic.

What does the word empowerment mean to you?
Empowerment to me means using your voice to get your point or beliefs through.

In what ways do you use your platform for the greater good? 
I love to post positive quotes to uplift my followers daily. I also use my platform to spread positivity and comment compliments on other women’s posts. I highly believe in females supporting females.

During these tough times, what has kept you motivated?
I have been eating so healthy every day- that is a big help. Also, I like to spend more time outside and embracing nature. My happy place is at the beach, under the sun, and in the ocean- it’s priceless.

How do you remain fit, active, and healthy with stay-at-home orders intact?
Luckily I live in Miami, and can bike and go to the beach daily.

As a creative in quarantine, how have you found inspiration and ways to create?
I think I have become even more creative, because I have more time to organize, plan, and create content these days.

What and/or who has had the most influence on your growth and why?
My relationship with God is stronger than ever, and that is what has been getting me through life daily.

How can you as an individual actively take part in fighting a system of oppression and standing in solidarity with your peers of color to amplify their voices?
Educating myself, and sharing what I learn with my followers. I also believe in supporting black owned businesses.

How have you found ways to educate yourself and those around you?
I watch the news daily, and between my closest friends and family, we all keep each other informed.

What do you think are ways that others can help society and our surrounding communities?
Supporting each other, and calling people/businesses out who are racist.

In what ways has your life changed due to current events?
I think everyone’s life has changed this year. Personally, I can clearly see now what is really important in life- and that is family, loved ones, my health, helping others, and my relationship with God.

What advice do you have for someone who aspires to create a career like your own?
You have to work hard at it everyday if it is your passion, and never stop believing in yourself!

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