20 Questions with Kara Del Toro

Where are you from?

I’m from a small town near Houston, Texas. I grew up playing a lot outdoors in nature with a house full of animals.

How would you define your career in three words?

Creative, dynamic, fast-paced

You have developed a social media following of over 3 million people, worldwide. Can you take us a little behind the scenes of the process of developing the platform you have established today?

I started in the modeling industry before social media like Instagram was so prevalent, it was so different back then. Then I slowly started realizing the importance of having your own platform, you can use social media to really have a voice and post what matters to you. It’s such an incredible thing because I started using my instagram as my portfolio and loved having creative control like I had never had before. Now content creation is a full time job for me. I’m obsessed with Tiktok. I started posting on Tiktok during the pandemic when we were all on lockdown. I was posting different content then on my IG. Things like makeup tutorials, telling my modeling story and even silly videos like “ selfie hacks” I gained more than a million followers in a few months. I love the creative freedom that I have through social media.

What’s a goal you hope to accomplish?

I’m hoping to launch my own brand within the year!

What’s a highlight in your career?

I’ve had many highlights and achievements I’m proud of, but a few recently were my covers with Harper’s Bazaar and Maxim.

What advice do you have for someone who aspires to have a career like your own?

It’s really an incredible time with social media, you don’t need a fancy agent or even a manager to build a career for yourself. Utilize social media, start posting daily about the things that matter to you, find your niche and focus more on consistency and quality over likes and the rest will come! I’m a firm believer in the law of attraction, create a vision, believe in it and work towards it daily.

What keeps you motivated?

I love what I do, I really enjoy my job and I take it very seriously. Something that motivates me is when someone tells me I can’t do something. I love proving naysayers wrong.

What can people expect to see from you in the remainder of 2021?

There are a lot of exciting things in the works that I can’t share with you just yet!

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

I’ve been in a steady relationship for 14 years.

What’s something in your closet you couldn’t live without?

I’m obsessed with this Skims body suit. I ordered it in every color, it’s so flattering and looks good with anything.

 A fashion trend you’re loving right now?

I’m loving the funky nail trends. As a model I wasn’t allowed to do anything fun with my nails for years, so I’m really into nail art at the moment.

You only have three items in your makeup bag you can choose to use forever – what do you choose?

Lip liner, Bronzer, brow gel.

An essential item in your skincare routine?

A good face oil

A beauty tip you would recommend?

A faux tan.

What’s your dessert of choice?

Anything chocolate, homemade chocolate chip cookies are always a win.

How do you prep your skin for a photoshoot?

I like to use a sheet mask and then do a little facial massage with some face oil to boost circulation and help with puffiness. If I have time, microcurrent is amazing as well for a little lift.

What’re you looking forward to most this summer?

I’m going to Costa Rica in a few weeks. I’ve never been so I’m really looking forward to exploring and spending some time in nature.

Something you were surprised to learn recently?

After 2020 nothing surprises me any more haha!

Top 3 things on your bucket list.

Starting my own company, traveling the world, starting a family (not for a little while though haha!)

What would you like to say to your fans?

I wouldn’t be where I am today without my online friends and community. I wouldn’t even be having this conversation. I’m BEYOND grateful for every single one of you!

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