20 questions with Kate Bock

Modeliste is so excited to have you as our December 2020 Cover Star, can you tell our readers a bit about you?
I grew up in Vancouver, Canada and moved to Paris after High School which then took me to London, Milan, Tokyo and New York. I settled in New York and now live between there and Cleveland, Ohio where my boyfriend plays basketball. I love working as a model & now entrepreneur. I cannot wait to be able to tell you a little more about what’s coming up next. I enjoy sharing pieces of what I’ve learned along the way with my followers especially when it comes to health, wellness, travel, beauty and fitness.

At what point in your life did you know you wanted to become a model, and why?
I was discovered at the swimming pool by my mother agent at 12 years old and sort of fell into modeling as a young, tall, lean, gangly girl.

What has been a highlight in your career and what lessons have you learned from it?
The highlight was definitely my recent Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover – a total dream come true. I’ve definitely learned to be in this industry takes a thick skin, a tough work ethic and the ability to just go with the flow. Many opportunities come about or get confirmed last minute and you have to be ready to drop everything.

What do you want to carry into 2021 and what do you want to leave behind in 2020?
I want to be creative and share things I find beautiful and inspiring. The pandemic has sort of given us a chance to figure out what we love most when we’re locked at home. I’ve found I really love taking photos, sharing healthy meals and creating beautiful décor. And of course interacting with people virtually when it cannot be done in person.

What’re you looking forward to most this holiday season?
I can’t wait to decorate. I love the holidays and always put together dream mood boards for my house and try to create a really glowy, cozy, holiday mood.

What are some challenges you’ve faced in your career and how have you overcome them?
I think everyone goes through difficult times and dismissal in their career. Getting to a point where you realize that you can’t win them all and not let rejection get you down can really change your life. You have developed a large audience through your social media presence, in what ways do you hope to influence others through your platform?
I love sharing all things health and wellness. I’ve got to a point where I feel like I have a solid wealth of knowledge and enjoy finding ways to share it in an aesthetically pleasing way.

What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
I went to French immersion school and speak fluent French.

Although there are many joys in the world, what’re three things that make you happy?
My puppy, Vestry, is an angel and the absolute best. You can stalk my Instagram to see why I say that. Work, shooting, being creative. Spending time with my friends and family (ideally on the ski hill!).

What’s your favorite part about living in New York?
I love that you can walk everywhere. I love that you can walk out the door any day with no plans and find so many incredible things to do. I love the energy. I love the restaurants. I love that you’re never alone.

Are there any other categories in careers that you would like to explore in the future?
I’ve been getting a lot more involved in the creative side of things. I’m really excited about some projects I have coming up; to work on them from day one and oversee the entire process from start to finish is exciting. I don’t want to just be seen as a model.

You have such beautiful skin, can you share a skin regimen?
The keys to skin success…drink lots of water, get as much sleep as possible, eat clean foods, be active and wear SPF!

In 2020, we spent more time at home than ever before – are there any hobbies or skills you picked up in quarantine?
I definitely spent much more time in the kitchen. It’s been really fun finding ways to make some of my favorite meals but lighter and cleaner.

What do you enjoy doing in your time off?
Traveling, seeing friends, being active, spending time at home with my boyfriend.

How would your friends describe you in three words?
Kind, loving, Vestry’s mom.

Tomorrow you can go anywhere, with anyone, and do anything – where would you go, who would you take, and what would you do?
Go to Africa on a Safari with my boyfriend, Kevin.

What advice can you give to an aspiring model?
Show up on time, be respectful to everyone on set, listen, and do your research.

What’re your favorite fall trends?
Isabel Marant, everything, always.

We know you have a great creative partnership with Ally Martin. Please tell us a little bit about that partnership.
Ally & I met at summer camp as kids. We’ve been great friends for years and years. I feel incredibly lucky our careers have led us to a place where we can work together. We share pictures and inspirations all day, every day and completely understand each other’s vibe and aesthetic. It’s a privilege to work with such a good friend who is also extremely talented. We bring the best out of each other because we are so comfortable and push one another. It is such a thrill & honor to have worked on this cover and story together. We couldn’t be happier.

What would you like to say to your fans?
Thank you for all the love and support!! I cannot wait to continue on this crazy journey together!

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