20 Questions with Sonya Esman

Four Seasons Punta Mita

Photographed by Logan Hill

Meet Sonya Esman – influencer, youtube personality, model, and actress. Before establishing her career in digital media Sonya contributed to a Canadian platform known as, Fashionation TV, where she amassed a large following. She carried over her success at Fashionation into her Youtube Channel that she uses as a place to release creative expression, share fashion hauls, monthly beauty favorites, and more. Today with nearly 2 million followers on Instagram she continues to inspire people with her creative content, vlogs, inspiring words, and travels. During our getaway to The Four Seasons, Punta Mita Modeliste learned more about this beauty in our exclusive interview where we discuss what inspires Sonya most to her ultimate beauty tips.


Tell us three things we might not know about you.
Three things that you might not know about me: I have lived in eight different cities all around the world, in four different countries. And I started making YouTube videos when I was 12 or 13 years old, in 2007, about how to become an actress, right. And another thing you might not know about me is that I’m absolutely obsessed with interior design and remodeling. I pretty much remodeled my entire rental house, top to bottom and enjoyed every part of it.

What inspires you?
As strange as this might sound, I think what inspires me most is my own mood and feeling like I’m seeing something new and coming into the day with energy and excitement, and wanting to create something.

What’s on the top of your bucket list?
On the top? The one thing that’s at the very top of my bucket list is probably directing or starring in a movie or a music video.

How do you manage time between social media and your personal life?
I think I manage time between social media and my personal life by really differentiating the two, and trying not to mix them together, as much as somebody would want to. And I used to do this a lot, but I’ve learned that if it’s your job, then you kind of have to eventually keep it as your job because intermixing them, you’re just going to end up working 24/7, and be on your phone 24/7. And that’s not really the point of existing.

As a creative in a world with new restrictions, how have you found ways to be creative?
I think that right now with the new restrictions, everyone is actually becoming more creative because they’re stuck at home. And the only thing they can do really, well, it’s not the only thing, but I feel like I’ve seen people take on such a creative way of life. And I mean, Tik Tok is a beautiful example of that, people that normally are not “so to speak” creative, everyone’s dancing and making videos, and editing them. Myself, I think that being at home and having all of these restrictions in place has actually made me more creative by being in solitude, and having to entertain myself more.

What can we expect to see from you in the months we have left of 2020?
In the next few months, what I think you could probably see for me and a lot of my friends is, whatever happens, happens. I don’t know, it’s hard to say what’s going to happen in a week, or next week. I literally don’t even know what I’m doing next week. I think I’m going back to Mexico next week, I’m not sure. So yeah, everything is really spontaneous, especially now because you think you can do something and then boom, a law comes out and you can’t do it. Everything is kind of ‘go as you will.’

What do you love most about the Four Seasons, Punta Mita?
The one thing that I love the most about Four Seasons Punta Mita is, strange is the sounds, the smell of the air. It smells like really dense, fresh, fake grass. I don’t know if that’s an acceptable answer, but it just smells so fresh and tropical here. The air is incredible, and the sound of the ocean. I mean, it’s just nature in general.

How do you stay up-to-date with beauty and fashion trends?
I wouldn’t say that I particularly stay up-to-date with beauty and fashion trends, but going on social media, I see all of these incredible women and men really putting themselves out there, and being creative with their style, and makeup, and beauty, so it’s just everywhere. I mean, all you have to do is log on online.

What’s your ultimate beauty tip?
My ultimate beauty tip is probably using the Pixi +C Vit Brightening Perfector. This goes on your skin before you do your makeup and I’ve actually realized you don’t need to wear concealer or foundation with it, especially if you’re on vacation or somewhere hot. It goes on so beautifully, it makes your skin look stunning all day and even.

How have you been incorporating fitness into your daily routine?
Recently, I’ve been incorporating fitness into my daily routine by putting on the prettiest workout stuff, right as I wake up because as soon as you wake up, if you put it on, and you look in the mirror and you love how you look, you’re naturally going to be inclined to go work out because I mean, you already have your stuff on. And having beautiful Lorna Jane leggings and the sports bra is probably my number one motivator.

If you could spend a day with anyone anywhere, who would you pick and where would you go?
If I could spend a day with anybody in the world and go anywhere, I would take my little sister who is six years old to LA.
She lives in Russia and we barely see each other. And I really want to be a good older sister. I want to be a good older sister to her and take her to Disneyland or whatever she wants, and just spend time with her.

What are three key ingredients to a good life?

I can’t answer on behalf of everyone. A few things that I think are essential to being happy in life is travel because things are disposable, but travel is an investment that you make that only makes you richer. And while you’re young and able to walk and see the world, I think that’s something people take for granted, and don’t really do as much. And you don’t necessarily have to spend a lot of money, but traveling is really, really essential, I think.

And positivity and remaining receptive to alternative ideas, being receptive and willing to learn from people and not feeling like you know everything, and whatever, because people have so much to teach each other.
And the third one I would say is really important is remembering that no act of kindness is ever too small. And you sometimes do need to just bring yourself back to being kind, like doing little things like telling a random stranger that their hair looks nice, and they’re really pretty, because you have no idea if that’s the most incredible thing they’ve heard someone say to them all year.

What would you like to say to your fans, anyone who is watching or reading this?
What would I say to anybody that is watching or reading this? I would say go vote please because I can’t. I so wish I could, but I can’t. So please do it for me, thanks.

What do you love most about Modeliste Magazine?
What I love most about Modeliste Magazine is the magazine is so different in a good way, in the sense that it’s innovative and it’s doing something that nobody else is doing, and the people behind the magazine are the most genuine and incredible people. Because you meet people working in fashion and I’m telling you, they are, most of the time, not willing to talk to everybody and be kind, and show you the world, and be accommodating. But the girls behind Modeliste Magazine are not only so empowering, but probably some of the kindest people that I’ve met.

What is your favorite part of our Mode Around the Globe Four Seasons Punta Mita Getaway?
My favorite part about the Modeliste Mode around the Globe trip that I was on in Punta Mita is meeting everybody and being a tight-knit family. Going to dinner, going to breakfast, going to yoga, doing all of these really fun activities together. I don’t have a big family, but being with so many girls is so fun because getting to know people is fun, and now I’ve met new friends to go home to.
Thank you guys so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed the interview and all the pictures and videos that we’ve shot here. If you’d like to follow me, my handle is at @SonyaEsman. Thank you so much. Bye guys.


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