20 Questions with Sophia Culpo

Four Seasons Punta Mita

Photographed by Ryan Chua

Meet Sophia Culpo, model and influencer using her platform to share her knowledge of Nutrition, amazing recipes, beauty, and fashion. Sophia recently stepped into the limelight after obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Public Health, and now resides in Los Angeles with her sister, Olivia Culpo. Most recently they released a clothing collaboration with Macy’s x Inc with amazing styles adding ‘designer’ to her list of many talents. During our getaway to The Four Seasons, Punta Mita we sat down with this beauty to learn more about her beauty tips and fitness routines, including a special message for her fans.

Tell us three things we might not know about you.
Three things you might not know about me. One, I’m the youngest of five siblings, so big family. Two, I went to school for nutrition and public health. And three, I come from a very musical family and I’ve literally probably taken lessons in any instrument you can think of. I’m not saying I played it well, but I tried.

What inspires you?
I think it’s constantly changing. Definitely, my sisters inspire me every day, and I think with 2020, my kind of theme this year, I really want to put myself in situations that make me grow. So, this year specifically the things that have been inspiring me are the things that scare me a little bit.

What’s on the top of your bucket list?
The top of my bucket list is horseback riding through a vineyard in Tuscany.

How do you manage time between social media and your personal life?
That one is hard. Managing time between social media and my social life is difficult because they can mix pretty easily. But I try really hard to put my phone down when I don’t have to be on it, which is definitely hard. But I do think it’s super important to be present in the moment, especially when you’re with friends and family. So it’s something that I just try to put my phone face down, silent, and slide it away.

With the new restrictions, how have you found ways to be creative?
I think with the new restrictions, being creative, it’s just really important to think about your actions and all the different ways, perspectives, that someone could take what you’re putting out there. Social media is… you never know who’s going to see your posts. So you really just have to be conscious and aware, still be creative and be you. And what inspires you, let that transcend through your page, whatever your platform is, but definitely just be aware and think.

What can we expect to see from you in the months we have left of 2020?
My sisters and I are actually launching a line with Macy’s, so that will be coming out very soon. So, we’re really excited about that in 2020, been working on it for a while and super excited.

What do you love most about the Four Seasons, Punta Mita?
Oh, this view, if everyone could see it, it’s amazing. I think it’s… I don’t know, I just love anything to do with ocean salt and sand…a Dream.

How do you stay up-to-date with beauty and fashion trends?
I think social media, Instagram, of course, following other models, influencers, my best friends. I have inspiration just from everyone, but definitely social media is where I get my tips.

What’s your ultimate beauty tip?
My ultimate beauty tip is definitely hydration. My go-to look has always been just a super hydrated, healthy, glowing skin look. So for my editorial on the shoot, I did a really kind of , almost like a wet hydrated look, and I loved the Pixi Beauty Setting makeup mist. So even for my shoot, I wanted my skin to look super healthy and hydrated. So I used the Pixi makeup mist, which is a spray. You can do it before your makeup or after, and it just makes your skin look super healthy and glowing, so that’s my tip.

How have you been incorporating fitness into your daily routine?
Incorporating fitness into my daily routine has definitely been more difficult this past year with our quarantine, but I think making it exciting is, it just makes you want to work out. So for myself, I did a little three mile challenge on social media during the quarantine, which just makes it fun because you’re getting more people to do it with you. And it’s always more fun to work out when others are doing it and definitely, I think if you get up and just throw on a really cute workout outfit… All the girls here, we were just in our Lorna Jane sets the other day for a fun yoga session and just feeling good, and wanting to look good motivates you to even work harder.

If you could spend a day with anyone anywhere, who would you pick and where would you go?
I guess this isn’t with a celebrity or anyone notable. It would honestly just be my sisters, my best friends, and I’ve always wanted to go to Thailand. I think we would have a really fun time there. So I don’t know if I answered that correctly, but it would be my sisters in Thailand.

What are three key ingredients to a good life?
The three things that are the most important to me in life. I think, number one, definitely family. Number two, being kind. I think there’s absolutely no reason to be unkind in this world, so that’s definitely really important to me. And three, being happy, definitely being happy.

Would you like to tell your fans anything?
I think the way people have fans these days with social media, your followers, it’s so personal because they really do see your everyday life. And some have been following me for years, saw me through college and there really is a connection there that’s not standard for say if you’re a musician or in the past. I think our following is so special to us. So, if you’ve been following me for years or even just new, I wouldn’t be where I am, here, literally in Mexico, if it wasn’t for you guys. So, thank you for following me and supporting me and always having my back.

What do you love most about Modeliste Magazine?
What I love most about Modeliste Magazine is that everyone is so incredibly kind and open and honest. This trip has truly been amazing. All the girls brought on this trip are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met; there’s a genuine kindness that I’ve felt from everybody on this trip. The girls here are so kind. Amy, the editor, we couldn’t have had a better time together. So, I just love everyone here.

What is your favorite part of our Modeliste Mode Around the Globe Four Seasons, Punta Mita getaway?
Favorite part? I have so many. So my favorite part about the Modeliste Mode Around the World getaway, if I had to pick, would be our goodbye dinner last night on the Rock. It was beautiful, and we all put our phones down and we were going around the table and just answering questions, high, low, peak, pit of the day. And it definitely got personal and everyone was just sharing genuine, honest feelings and everyone got to know each other super well.

Thanks so much for watching guys. My name is Sophia Culpo and if you want to follow me on Instagram, @sophiaculpo.

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