20 Questions with Yovanna Ventura

20 Questions with Yovanna Ventura

Photographed by Juan Algarin
Styled by Marc Eram


Hello gorgeous, Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hi, my name is Yovanna Ventura I am a Dominican model who loves my work, animals, nature and spending time with family and friends.

How would you define yourself in three words?

Kind, Hard working and Sagittarius

In what ways have you been incorporating self – care into your daily routine?

I always put a priority on taking care of myself. I work out as much as I can for both the physical and mental benefits. I take good care of my skin and hair. I cook a lot. Taking care of myself first makes everything else I commit to in life a lot better.

What’s the most fulfilling part of your job?

Probably achieving goals and seeing my growth and progress.

Can you tell us about an exciting time in your career?

Right now. My team has come together, I’ve put all the time into working towards what I want, my mind and mental health is in one of the best places it’s been work wise and personal.

What would you title this current chapter in your life?


How do you educate yourself on ways of maintaining healthy skin?

I go to some amazing facialists in New York that have taught me a lot about skin care as well as just learning from YouTube and beauty influencers. I am also willing to try different things and see what works for me. I think 80% of my skin is the way I eat and what I drink. I stay away from dairy and I drink a ton of water.

What do you love most about Pixi Beauty?

I love the emphasis on natural beauty! I think confidence is key to feeling beautiful. I think products that help you to feel confident and bring out your natural beauty are the best.

What are your top 3 favorite Pixi Beauty products?

Glow Tonic, Rose Oil Blend and Detoxifeye

What does the word empowerment mean to you?

Having the knowledge, confidence and strength to act and make decisions for yourself.

In what ways do you use your platform for the greater good?

I try to bring awareness to movements and or events that are really important to me. It’s impossible to touch on every single issue going on in the world but I do my best to have my platform be an authentic reflection of who I am and what is important to me. I do feel a sense of responsibility to share more than just work and pleasure on my social media and I think that’s a great thing. If I can motivate even one person to go volunteer or donate or change their way of thinking – it is worth it.

During these tough times, what has kept you motivated?

Doing things that bring me true peace and happiness. I love spending time with my dogs, getting out in nature and hanging out with my family.

 How do you remain fit, active, and healthy with stay-at-home orders intact?

I work out at home. I’ve been doing a lot of live work outs and it’s helped me to stay on track. I genuinely love the way working out makes me feel so that helps.

As a creative in quarantine, how have you found inspiration and ways to create?

Boredom is a great source of inspiration. I’ve tried to use empty evenings or slow days to push myself out of my comfort zone and try something I wouldn’t normally do. I have painted, made fun Tik Tok videos, signed up for online classes, got to read books I have been meaning to, watched documentaries that were on my list, cooked something new, etc.

What and/or who has had the most influence on your growth and why?

My mom and my manager. They keep my head grounded and help me snap out of my doubts. They both push me to my potential and believe in me no matter what.

How can you as an individual actively take part in fighting a system of oppression and standing in solidarity with your peers of color to amplify their voices?

The power is always in the people. Individuals coming together makes all the difference in the world. Some examples any individual can do are: protesting, supporting black/POC owned businesses, educating yourself, standing up against racism when you see it in person and of course VOTING!

How have you found ways to educate yourself and those around you?

Reading, asking questions, learning about history and overall just paying attention to the historic time we are all living in.

What do you think are ways that others can help society and our surrounding communities?

Everyone is different and needs to assess what they are capable of giving. I think having the desire to help is the first step, and then backing that up with research and action. Whether it’s donating time or money or volunteering locally or getting involved with an organization that really speaks to you. Just start somewhere and follow that path with all that you can give.

In what ways has your life changed due to current events?

I think like most people it’s opened my eyes to a lot of injustice that is simply not acceptable. It’s motivated me to stand up, use my voice and act on those issues.

What advice do you have for someone who aspires to create a career like your own?

Never give up. If what you are trying to accomplish makes you happy and you love it then just keep going. It won’t be easy but I promise it will be worth it.

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