Catherine Belle on Modeliste Influencer Getaway to Puerto Vallarta


Who would you say was your role model growing up?
My mom 🙂

What’s the first thing you thought of this morning?
Don’t press snooze again!

What’s something you do every morning without fail?
I drink a big glass of water.

 What zodiac star sign are you?
I’m a pisces.

What’s the most accurate thing about you related to your star sign?
That I’m sensitive and compassionate.

If you had a full day off, what would you do with it?
I’d probably go for a long walk outside and then cook at home while listening to music.

 What can you tell us about your latest projects?
Something YouTube related but can’t say!

 How do you decide what to post on your social media?
Whatever I’m feeling that day! Usually related to a new fashion trend I’m loving.

What’s something your followers may not know about you?
 I can speak French fluently.

 Sneakers or heels?
Sneakers! But I do love a good pair of black booties for fall.

 All time greatest purchase you’ve ever made?
 My couch haha! I spend so much time on it while watching movies or answering emails.

What would you say is your beauty philosophy?
You glow differently when you’re actually happy. It all comes from within.

What is a beauty product that you don’t go a day without wearing?
Lip balm

What did you love most about the Not Your Mother’s hair product brand?
I love their packaging and the smell of each product!

Favorite Pixi Product?
Pixi’s makeup fixing mist.

Favorite photo memory from your Mixbook made at
The picture of me in Paris with the Eiffel tower behind me because my mom took it 🙂

 Best beauty tip that you’ve ever received?
Always take off your makeup before bed!

Go-to beauty look at this very moment?
Tinted moisturizer and mascara. I like to keep it as natural as possible.

We learned you did your own makeup for you shoot with Modeliste, where did you learn you own makeup skills?
Mostly from practicing at home and watching a few YouTube tutorials.

Tell us about your time in Puerto Vallarta.
I had the best time! I think my hotel balcony view was the nicest I’ve ever experienced and the infinity pool was breathtaking. We also went exploring quite a bit and I learned a lot about Puerto Vallarta’s art and food culture.

What did you love most about Hotel Mousai?
The views and amazing staff that were so welcoming.

What was your favorite activity on the trip?
My favourite activity was our boat day. The crew performed on the way back home and everyone got up to dance.

Why do you think Puerto Vallarta should be on everyone’s bucket list to visit?
Not only is it beautiful but there are amazing restaurants and nightlife scenes to discover.

What do you love most about Modeliste Mode Around The Globe Getaways?
I love all the fun activities they organize for us and I always go home with new friends!

What would you like to say to your fans?
Thanks for following along! You should definitely add Puerto Vallarta to your travel list 🙂

See more of our stay at Hotel Mousai.

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