Fabulous Facts with Alyssa Lynch

Photographed by Emma Bassill
Garza Blanca Los Cabos Resort & Spa

Where are you from?
I am actually from a town called Langley in British Columbia, Canada.

Summer plan you’re looking forward to?
To be honest, my summer plans are always last minute, so you never know what’s going to happen, but the thing I’m most looking forward to is definitely just days at home in LA, going to the beach and going to Malibu and going to the farmer’s market. Those are all my favorite things.

A fact people would be surprised to know about you?
A fact that people would be surprised to know about me would be that I don’t like green juice.

Beauty product you couldn’t live without?

The beauty product I couldn’t live without would be honestly, lip balm.

What’s a song you can listen to on repeat?
A song I can listen to on repeat is Sweet Disposition.

What’s a top highlight of your career so far?
A top highlight of my career so far would be being able to meet the people that I’ve met and creating a group of such supportive girls that are now my best friends.

What’s your favorite time of day?

My favorite time of day is the morning, hands down. I love my morning coffee and my morning routine.

What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do but have been scared to try?
Something on my bucket list is skydiving.

Any projects you’re currently working on?
A project I’m currently working on is my own coffee company with one of my best friends. A health and wellness brand, and I hope to expand on it and further make products and stuff in the wellness space.

What do you love most about your bestie Helen Owen’s new swimwear line launch?
I mean, I love the whole it’s her own swimwear line, but I think what I love most is that it genuinely resembles her. She’s always in a bathing suit and these styles are so uniquely special to her. I’m so proud and excited for you, Helen, and I can’t wait for the line to come out.

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