Interview with Katie Morton


Photographed by RYAN CHUA
Videography by NIKO VELASQUEZ

I’m from a small town in Florida. I’ve always been into dance and entertainment. I’m finally at a point in my career and personal life where I’ve honed in on what I want and that feels special to me. It took me quite a bit to figure that out because I tried so many things along the way and there’s always more to continue learning and figuring out!

How can people stay up to date with you through social media?
By following me on Instagram where I keep my stories updated daily.

What can people expect to see from your social media platforms?
You can expect to be immersed in my day to day life. As I’m an original Pinterest girl, you can also expect to see travel content, home inspiration, and get some unprofessional life advice.

Can you share insight into the process of creating the platform you have today? What challenges did you overcome and which part seemed seamless?
After being on reality TV, I looked for creative ways to share my personal life while connecting with my followers. Because I’m a creative person, the aesthetic elements seemed seamless to me. What’s most challenging was navigating where I wanted to be and what I wanted to do after the show. I think it’s easy for people to get lost or reactive.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?
Haha! Is anything actually shocking these days? Maybe that I can drive a stick shift? My first car was manual.

What’s a goal in your career you hope to accomplish?
I’d love to stay in entertainment and host a competition show while also designing / updating homes as a hobby.

What and who inspires you most? Why?
What inspires me the most is creative and financial freedom. I just want to be able to do what feels good and I’m willing to work for it.

As an influencer, how do you hope to influence people through your platform?
I hope to influence people to be an unapologetic version of themselves and go after what they want.

Who are your favorite content creators?
Average Fashion Blogger, Elsa Majimbo, OkDeon, Hannah Bronfman, Tabitha Brown, and Molly Mae.

Are you working on any exciting projects you can share?
None that I can share!

What are three items in your closet you cannot live without?
Underwear, black leggings, and a hoodie.

Essential product in your beauty routine?

What was your favorite part of staying at ACRE? What activities would you recommend for someone looking to visit?
I really enjoyed the privacy but also being in close proximity to everything. I would recommend the community bikes that you could bike around the farm on.

What does the remainder of 2021 look like for you?
I’m going to be going overseas and then going home to the family for the rest of the holidays to spend some quality time with them.

What advice do you have for someone who aspires to have a career like your own?
It’s okay if you don’t know all the answers. Just keep trying new things and, once you find something you like or that works, be consistent and run with it!

What would you like to say to your fans?
I LOVE YOU !! Every single one of you is so special to me and I couldn’t do what I do without you. If you ever see me on the street, don’t be afraid to say hello! xo

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