Model Diaries: Alexis Ren

Modeliste: Tell us how you began your modeling career.
Alexis: I was spotted in a clothing store at 13, from there I signed with a modeling agency and made my first big trip out of the country to work in Japan as a full-time model.

Modeliste: What inspires you most when creating content for your Instagram?
Alexis: My intention behind my social media has changed a lot over the past few years. I love creating memories as opposed to the “perfect” shot. That’s why I love film because you don’t get a do-over. It is what it is.

Modeliste: What would you say your personal philosophy is in regards to social media?
Alexis: It isn’t your real life, and your self worth shouldn’t depend on the likes or comments nor should it replace real human connection in your life. I say this not just for the reader, but for myself as well. I try to be mindful of my judgments every day, and I’ve seen a vast improvement in my mental health because of it.

Modeliste: How would you describe yourself in 3 adjectives?
Alexis: Intuitive, honest, and slightly dorky.

Modeliste: Most used emoji?
Alexis: The red heart.

Modeliste: Favorite book that you enjoyed recently?
Alexis: Team Human- Douglas Rushkoff

Modeliste: What is the best thing that happened this year?
Alexis: New people came into my life this year that I’m so grateful for.

Modeliste: What is the craziest rumor you’ve ever heard about yourself?
Alexis: I try not to read up on rumors. My godmother once said to me “people’s opinions about you are none of your business.” I stick by that.

Modeliste: Favorite place to travel to?
Alexis: I love me a mediteranian summer.

Modeliste: Where would you like to travel to next?
Alexis: I would love to go back to Italy…Maybe Capri or the Amalfi coast.

Modeliste: What are 3 things on your bucket list?
Alexis: Buying my family a house, filling up my current passport, and writing my first book.

Modeliste: Favorite song lyrics? “If you talk enough sense then you’ll lose your mind.”

Modeliste: What song would you probably be caught dancing alone to?
Alexis: Female Energy- Willow Smith

Modeliste: Fashion icon?
Alexis: I don’t really have one if I’m being honest. If something feels good, I wear it. Simple.

Modeliste: Current binge watch.
Alexis: Russell brand youtube videos, or anything on

Modeliste: If you could make a documentary, what would it be about?
Alexis: Anything that speaks truth. Whether it be about our school system, nutrition, raising our future generations, the environment, social media and how it monitors our behaviors…The list goes on. I want to shed awareness where I can.

Modeliste: Best way to decompress?
Alexis: Meditating, reading, writing, or yoga.

Modeliste: How do you describe your personal style?
Alexis: Streetwear with a touch of femininity.

Modeliste: What’s something you don’t go a day without wearing?
Alexis: Sunscreen.

Modeliste: Most proud moment?
Alexis: Any moment I shared with my mother.

Modeliste: How do you start your day?
Alexis: I have a morning routine that I try my best to stick to… In no particular order, I write, read, listen to a podcast, meditate, go for a run or do yoga, make breakfast, and respond to emails.

Modeliste: 3 ultimate beauty must-haves.
Alexis: Sunscreen, lip balm, and gratitude.

Modeliste: Best beauty advice you have ever received.
Alexis: Beauty starts on the inside.

Modeliste: Favorite fashion trend you’re wearing this season?
Alexis: I’m so bad at keeping up with trends, but I love my sneaker collection.

Modeliste: Upcoming projects you can tell us about?
Alexis: Acting, acting, and more acting. It’s testing me, but I love a challenge and I’m ready for this new path.

Modeliste: What was your favorite part of your Cover photoshoot?
Alexis: Take a guess…The snake.

Modeliste: Why do you love Modeliste magazine?
Alexis: I appreciate how collaborative Modeliste is. I was able to bring forth my ideas for the shoot to be apart of the inspiration and creative design.

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