Model Diaries: Janel Parrish

Where did you grow up?
Kaneohe, Oahu

What is one thing you miss the most about your hometown?
The aloha spirit. It’s in the air there wine the people are the kindest people in the world.

What do you love most about being an actress?
Being able to create…feeling creatively fulfilled every day. It feeds my soul!

What’s the biggest misconception about being an actress?
That it’s all glamour. It’s absolutely glamorous, but it’s also hard work and really long hours. When you’re doing what you love, though, it’s the best even on long days.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done in your life?
Don’t know how wild it is, but to me it was pretty wild! We went snorkeling in Hawaii and I saw a SHARK. Now, those who know me know I’m terrified of sharks so for me this was WILD.

What’s a TV show you would like to make a cameo in?
So many! Probably Stranger Things takes the cake though. I love those kids and that show so much!!!

You recently married got married in Hawaii to Chris Long. What was one moment during your wedding that you’ll never forget?
It was perfect. The moment I walked down the aisle and saw his face smiling back at me. I’ll never forget the look on his face and how handsome he looked.

What is your favorite part about being married?
Knowing I have my favorite person and best friend by my side through this crazy life. It’s the best feeling in the world.

Any upcoming projects you can tell us about?
Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists comes out in the spring and I can’t wait for everyone to see it. Also finishing up a film currently called “Mighty Oak” that I think is going to be a wonderful heartwarming family film.

Favorite dish to cook?
I looooove to cook! But my specialty is pasta and meat sauce! My favorite nights are when I’m in for the night with my hubby and I cook us a nice dinner.

Favorite book that you enjoyed recently?
The couple next door. I love mystery novels and this one kept me on my toes the whole way.

If you weren’t an actress, what would you have pursued in your life?
If I weren’t an actress or singer I think I would have gone to hair and makeup school. I love being creative and in the industry!

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in a role?
I did a horror film last year called “Hell Is Where The Home Is” and It was pretty demanding. We had night shoots every night and crazy emotional scenes that required a lot!

How do you describe your personal style?
I kind of dress boyish! Lots of flannel and black but fun shoes 🙂

Must-have beauty product?
Rosebud salve! The best thing ever for dry lips.

Best beauty advice you’ve ever received?
Coconut oil on the skin and hair. And remembering to breathe. When you breathe, you’re so much more relaxed and beautiful.

How would  you describe yourself in 3 adjectives?
Loving, neurotic and creative.

What show are you hooked on right now?
Ozark. I can’t wait for season 3!! Stranger Things too.

Tell us about the Pretty Little Liars spinoff.
Mona and Ali find themselves in the new town of Beacon Heights where they meet some perfectionists and have to join forces to figure out how to survive in this mysterious town.

What will Mona be like in the new PLL spinoff?
She’s a little more grounded…but still Mona. She is a little older and wiser and trying to escape who she was, but darkness still finds her and she’s gotta use her love of the dark side to figure it all out.

How is your character Mona similar to yourself?
I think I only relate to her vulnerable side…the side of her that sometimes doesn’t feel like she fits in. Other than that, I feel we are quite different, but it’s very fun to play a character so different from me.

What is a typical day like for you on-set?
Early morning wake ups, hair and makeup and then a fun day of hanging with cast and crew between scenes. It’s the best.

What message would you like to say to your fans?
I would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart for following me in every way. Thanks for knowing me and loving me and supporting me. It means the world.

What do you love most about Modeliste magazine?
I love how raw you guys are with your artists. You allow us to show the real sides of us that not everyone gets to see.

Are you excited to be our next Cover star?
Absolutely! Also very honored. Thanks for letting me be me!

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