Model Diaries: Shay Mitchell

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Shay Mitchell is no longer just one of the world’s most captivating actresses and coolest girl in fashion (though she still is those things). She’s now risen to icon status for her over 20 Million adoring fans who revere her extreme openness, hilarity, and honest sense of self. Shay seems to have it all figured out. The two-time Modeliste cover girl is living her dream, and has the career and jet-setting adventurous life to prove it. Modeliste Editor-in-Chief, Amy McCabe, met up with her in one of the most picturesque regions of Jodhpur, India, reminisced about their last photoshoot in Rwanda, and talked about everything from major turning points in her life to what is next on her bucket list. With her Shaycation video series, Shay has been able to artfully showcase her passion for travel, eagerness for unique adventures, love of diverse cultures and exotic cuisine all wrapped up with her quick wit and relatable charm. She is the girl who is always completely herself. With her cover-starring streak showing no signs of slowing, we can’t wait for the next round!


This has definitely been the year of Shay. What have been some of your favorite moments of the past year so far?
Definitely the wrap of PLL. And still being able to see the girls and all that. So yeah, that was definitely one of them. New chapter. Shooting “Cadaver,” which is a scary movie that I shot right after PLL, was super exciting. And show “You,” that’s going to be airing on Lifetime really soon.

Tell us about the show “You.”
It’s based on a book called “You,” and is about a guy who falls in love with a girl, but is borderline stalkerish. It’s 21st century love story incorporating social media. The character that I play is Peach and she is kind of like the queen bee girl you don’t really want to mess with who’s very blunt, but is very close to the character Beck. So this is going to be a new chapter, I’m super excited for people to watch this.

We have been loving your YouTube channel lately, including your Shaycation segments where you travel around the world. Tell us about this and what makes it so unique.
Shaycation started from my love of travel and wanting to share these experiences with my fans in more than just an Instagram photo. We started traveling all over the world and shooting it, which is how Shaycation came about. It’s just something that I love. It’s my passion project and my favorite thing that I do. I love hearing the fan responses, if they have visited a place or if they want to visit it after seeing the video, so that’s always really cool. But I just want to share my experiences with people. I’m super excited about Shaycation India that they’re going to be seeing, if they haven’t seen it already, and just the trips I have to come.

Tell us about your time here with Modeliste in India.
This is my second shoot with Modeliste Magazine, and we always have such a blast. It really doesn’t feel like we’re ever working, even though everybody puts so much work into the costume and the hair. I did the makeup. But just shooting it and putting this whole thing together, it does take work. But it just doesn’t feel like it, we have such a great time. From our breakfast to the shoot to dinner at night, it’s just so amazing, and I wish I could do every issue. The first time we did Africa which was really amazing, and now are in India.  This is the second time I’ve been here and it’s one of my favorite places. I truly look forward to showcasing India and the people and the culture in this spread, so I hope that you guys enjoy it.

What are some of your go-to fashion items that you can’t live without?
Especially when traveling, I can’t live without wraps. I had a cashmere wrap that I brought with me and it doesn’t matter if you’re going to a hot destination or wherever you’re going, a wrap is always a good idea. Especially on the plane, late nights when it gets a little chilly, or early mornings when it’s not as hot as it is during the day. Wraps are my go-to. I don’t think I could have enough wraps.

Since you’re always on the go, how do you stay in shape while you’re traveling?
Eating a lot of naan bread for morning breakfast, for breakfast, lunch and dinner! No, I bring a little bag with me and I have sliders that I’ll use, or I’ll have a skipping rope. Or if I see something that’s a little heavy I’ll use that as a weight. It is important to get your fitness in, especially when you come to a place like India and they have such incredible food. It’s hard not to just gorge and gorge and gorge and not workout. But I try my hardest. And there’s stairs everywhere, run up and down stairs a million times.

What kind of music do you like to listen to while you work out?
Honestly it’s everything. I think I just kind of go on Spotify and I just listen to whatever is a new playlist. Something that has a lot of energy. And actually I have been listening to a lot more Bollywood music since I’ve been here, it’s gotten me in the zone. I like to listen to the kind of music of where I am.

What has been your favorite part of the photo shoot in India so far?
Favorite part of the photo shoot was definitely I guess just getting to reunite with the Modeliste family. We had Bruno Lima and Joseph Chase and of course Amy McCabe, that were all
part of this shoot and it’s just so nice to be able to work together again on something we all love doing… traveling and getting to shoot and share an experience. That’s been something that’s really great. And also this time getting to shoot for my Shaycation for my YouTube channel. That was also an incredible part to this as well, because now we’re really bringing those photos to life in terms of video. So I’m super excited for people to see that component to it along with the print spread.

What did you like most about flying on Turkish Airlines?
The Turkish Airlines’ people are so amazing. From when you get on-board you’re greeted with a smile. When you leave, you’re greeted with a smile.
The food was so good. I mean, who knew you could eat so much and get full off of food on an airplane?! But, I’m telling you this was some of the best food that I’ve ever had. Probably the most memorable thing was that I got off the plane and I was full. Doesn’t really happen that often.

You are Modeliste’s first ever celebrity to make a double appearance on the cover. Congratulations!
Thank you!

What is your favorite part about Modeliste Magazine?
Just the team of people. Their spreads are always so great and creative, and because it’s not just a fashion magazine, it’s also a travel magazine, so it incorporates the two things that I love. And, we get to go to amazing places like this. It’s not just like we’re going to a place near California, we literally have gone to two amazing destinations, Africa and India. And where to next? I don’t know, but I will break that record again and be the third person to do a cover, so watch out!

Yes! So, any ideas on where Modeliste is going to take you next?
We are going to go to either Vietnam or Peru. Putting it out there. Manifesting it, come on. You guys want to see it, don’t you? You want to see it!


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