Model Diaries with BRUNA LÍRIO

Photographed by Emilynn Rose

Where were you born and where do you currently live?
I was born in Brazil in a small state called Espírito Santo and I currently live in Los Angeles, California.

How did you begin your modeling career?
I started modeling when I was 16 years old after I was discovered by my mother agent in a mall in my hometown. I did some modeling jobs shortly after and then left Brazil to start my international career.

What’s your favorite time of day?
Definitely the sunset!

What’s your biggest strength?
I think my biggest strength is that I can get my work done even in the face of difficult obstacles without letting anyone know that something else is happening in my life.

What’s the biggest learning experience you’ve had?
I’ve learned that everything comes at the right time, you just need to be patient.

What are you most excited about for 2023?
I’m excited for the projects I have with my personal life and my modeling career.

What are your top 3 New Year’s resolutions?
Focus on my mental health, be happy and to spend more time with family/friends.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
“You have no idea how happy and comfortable you make people feel around you.”

Sweet or savory?

What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
Where I really come from. I feel like people always have something to say about Brazil based on things that they see on the internet!

Heels or flats or sneakers?
A little bit of everything, but sneakers are my favorite.

What are the three things you can’t live without?
Deodorant, sunscreen and my phone (only because of my family/work).

What’s your current favorite piece of clothing that you own?
It’s not a piece of clothing but I love my Valentino loafers and it’s what I wear the most!

What’s a must-have clothing item everyone should own?
I think everyone should own a pair of boyfriend jeans, super easy and goes with everything.

Must-Have Beauty Products?
Concealer, blush and mascara.

Skincare routine?
My skincare routine is very simple: in the morning I wash my face only with water followed by a face moisturizer and sunscreen, that is all. I don’t like to do too much because my skin is very sensitive, so I always do as little as I can.

What’s heavily played on your music playlist right now?
Brazilian Funk for sure.

What book did you most recently finish?
I haven’t finished reading this one yet, but I really like “Home Body” by Rupi Kaur.

How do you start your day?
I always start my day by taking a shower, listening to songs that I love like Brazilian Bossa Nova. It makes me relax!

Any upcoming projects you can tell us about?
I’ll keep you guys curious for now!

What would you like to say to your fans?
Don’t let people tell you that you’re never going to make it because we’re all capable of doing anything we want to.

Why are you most excited to be our next Cover Star?
I’m so excited because this is my first cover of 2023 and I can’t wait to see it!

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