Model Diaries with Frida Aasen

Photographed by BRYCE THOMPSON

Frida Aasen

Where are you from?
I am from Kristiansand, a town in the south of Norway.

Describe yourself in a sentence.
I would say I am kind, hardworking and humble.

How did you begin your career as a model?
I was scouted in a shopping mall at 14 years old. Then at 16 I went to Milan and it all started from there!

In what ways has your career shaped you into the woman you are today?
It has given me a lot of independence from a young age. Shown me how to connect socially and on a business level with people from all background/ages etc. I think it’s been such a blessing especially to be able to be young and travel the world and experience so many different cultures and people.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?
Maybe that I was a total tomboy when I was younger. No one would have thought my job would include all this makeup, hair and dressing up haha!

Who and what inspires you?
I’m inspired by people I meet at work, there’s so many creatives I get to meet and work with every day. I also get a lot of inspiration from social media, and just living in NYC and traveling to all kinds of beautiful places.

As a model and an influencer, how do you hope to influence those that look up to you?
I hope to influence those who follow me to enjoy a healthy life, be curious and explore all you can in life! As well as hopefully sharing information on topics that are important, which I am doing now through my project together with Next Generation Oslo.

What has been a highlight in your career?
My highlight must have been the Victoria’s Secret show. It was a goal of mine since I started my career.

What’s an obstacle you have faced and in what ways have you overcome it?
I’ve had to come out of my shell a lot doing this job. I’m naturally a quite shy and introverted person. Sometimes I can still get intimidated before a big shoot or show. I have to tell myself to snap out of it!

What are three words you live by?
I don’t have 3 specific words. But I do live by treating everyone around me with kindness – you never know what someone is going through.

What are your top 3 hacks?
Enough sleep, healthy diet and healthy mind.

What are your top 3 beauty secrets?
People would be surprised to know that I actually love deep cleaning my own house. Cleaning really helps me distress and calm down when I have anxiety.

Top three places to shop?
I’ve become an online shopper in the pandemic! So Net-A-Porter, LUISAVIAROMA and I also love the Frankie Shop.

In recent times, we have learned to adapt to spending more time indoors – any hobbies you have picked up along the way?
I have become a much better cook. Living in NYC I never cooked much, but in the pandemic I started to really enjoy it. I also started doing much more mindfulness (meditation) and yoga.

What is your morning skincare routine?
In the morning I wash my face with water, and apply my serum, cream and sunscreen.

What can people expect to see from you in the remainder of 2021?
I’ll be continuing modeling full time as I am now back in New York after the pandemic. This year I also wish to continue to use my platform in a different way then before, specifically with my project with Next Generation Oslo. I hope I can continue to inspire people and share important topics and messages.

What are you looking forward to most at the moment?
I’m looking forward to be able to go home to Norway and see my family in hopefully not too long

You have shed light on philanthropy through your platform – What are you working on now and in what ways can our Modeliste readers get involved to help?
Right now I am working on continuing my project with Next Generation Oslo. Next Generation Oslo is a group who work together with UNICEF Norway, helping to raise funds for some of their projects. As the pandemic hit, they were looking for ways to reach more people through social media. We connected and together we started doing IG lives where I speak with people who are passionate about a certain project/business etc. Together we hope to shed light on some very important topics that I hope can help and inspire those following me. I’m always looking for new people to be involved, or topics we should speak more about. It would be amazing if the Modeliste readers had any suggestions. When the current situation allows us to have fundraising events this is something that I hope to do, which will be a more direct way for people to help.

What’s something you would like to say to your fans?
Thank you so much for the support, it truly means a lot to me!

What has been a highlight of working with Modeliste Magazine?
I had the best time working with Modeliste, it was such a fun, creative and collaborative effort.

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