Model Diaries with Kelsey Merritt

Photographed by Sarah Krick

How would you describe yourself in four words?
Independent, enthusiastic, honest, easy-going

What was the first job you booked?
I booked a modeling shoot for a local designer in my hometown

What’s your dream job?
My dream job in the world was to walk the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show and I did!

What’s your morning beauty routine?
I keep it simple in the morning. I start off with washing my face with just water and brushing my teeth. Then I apply the IS Clinical Pro-Heal Serum, then I apply Lancer’s moisturizer for sensitive skin.

What’s an obstacle you’ve faced in your career and in what ways did you overcome them?
I’ve been counted off certain jobs because of my height and it was a source of insecurity before. But I’ve learned that this is something that is out of my control. I have embraced and focused on my other assets that set me aside instead.

What has been a highlight in your career?
The VSFS! And shooting with Sports Illustrated for 3 years.

If you were to explore a profession other than modeling, what would it be?
I would be somewhere in a creative field.

Who/What inspires you and why?
Princess Diana — not only do I love her sense of fashion, but I love that as a public figure she used her influence and resources to give back to the less fortunate world.

What projects are you working on this year?
Can’t say yet, I wish I could!

Song you listen to on repeat on your playlist?
I love anything by Billie Eilish.

You have built an amazing career as a supermodel and influencer, what advice do you have for someone who aspires to have a career like your own?
Trust your own gut, take control of your life and your career. If you have a feeling that something is not helping you towards a path that will lead you to where you want to be, take control of it and do everything you can to stir it the right way.

List three of your favorite stores to shop.
Anine Bing
The Row

Go to outfit for a night out with the girls?
I love my black leather tube top from CultNaked, paired with a mini skirt, a classic oversized black blazer and sexy heels!

What makes you smile and what makes you scared the most?
Being around close friends and family always makes me happy/smile!

Scared of the unknown- of big changes in my life. Scared of losing the people I love.

Where’s your favorite place to travel and what’s an itinerary you would recommend?
I love going to the Philippines and being home. I would suggest visiting the islands- my favorite is El Nido, Palawan.

Do you have any plans you’re looking forward to this summer?
I’m looking forward to some travel plans- my friends and I are going to Europe for a bit!

What’re your favorite trends of the season?
I love the minimalist style, I think it’s very elegant and clean.

If you could raid anyone’s closet – who would it be?
Princess Diana!

What’s something you would like to say to your fans?
Thank you for always supporting me. I wouldn’t be here with you!! I wish I can meet everyone one of you. xx


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