Model Diaries with Law Roach

20 Questions with Law Roach

What’s your typical morning routine?

Wake up, check my emails, and check my emails more.

With such a busy schedule and always being on the go, how do you find ways to make time for you? What activities do you consider “me-time”?


What does PRIDE month mean to you?

Pride month is a reminder to live your truth.

What’s your favorite part of being a judge on Legendary?

Being entertained by new and emerging talent

How did you develop your career as a stylist and the platform you have today?

Hard work.

What’s your favorite collaboration you’ve done to this date?

Law X Zendaya.

You continue to leave a footprint on the world of fashion and seasonal trends, Where do you find your inspiration?

Women, all women. Every woman.

What advice do you have for someone that aspires to have a career like your own?

Learn as much about the industry that you possibly can. Absorb what is going on around you and use that information to make you better.

Did you always know you wanted to be a fashion stylist? If not, at what moment did you know?

Honestly, I didn’t know until I started doing it.

What does the future of Law Roach look like?

I don’t know, we’ll have to find out.

Who are your top three favorite designers and what’s an item you’d recommend from each?

Jean-Paul Gaultier.

Best summer fashion trend?


How can people keep up to date with your work, collaborations, and upcoming projects?

Follow me on Instagram.

What’re you looking forward to most this summer?


 Favorite place to travel and a short itinerary you’d recommend?

Anywhere in the Caribbean. I recommend you do nothing, but listen to the ocean.

Do you have any upcoming projects you can share?

Law Roach X Herve Leger Capsule collection.

Something you would like to say to your fans?

Love you tribe!

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