Model Diaries with Steph Shep

Photographed by Sarah Krick

Stephanie Shepherd—also known as “Steph Shep” on social media – rose to celebrity status in her own right, starting as Kim Kardashian’s personal assistant in 2013 and then rising to the ranks of COO of Kardashian West Brands. Now, Steph is renowned and celebrated for her work in the climate education community, working as the Chief Impact Officer of PLUS, a sustainable personal care company, and her latest fragrance launch with Snif!. Steph continues to be a voice of empowerment and inspiration through her dedication to causes worldwide, using her platforms to educate the importance of worldwide issues, wellness, and health.

What are your tips and tricks for maintaining healthy & glowy skin?
I regularly see a dermatologist and I try to eat clean! I don’t drink as much water as I should but I’m working on it! If I’m feeling like my skin is feeling dull or congested, I’ll use the Sunday Riley Good Genes Overnight Exfoliate.

What’s your summer makeup routine?
The Rhode Peptide Glaze + Sunscreen and Merit Lip Oil and then I’m out the door.

Any tips & tricks you can share for luscious, long locks?
I noticed when I stopped blow drying and putting heat on my hair every day, my hair really grew. So during the summer, unless I’m going somewhere where I need to get dressed up, I just let my hair air dry.

Can you tell us about PLUS?
PLUS is a sustainable personal care company! As PLUS’ Chief Impact Officer, I am thrilled to be leading the brand’s external sustainability education efforts, along with spearheading creative development, give-back initiatives, and partnerships on behalf of the brand. In addition to having a heavy hand in future product development, I’ll advise on accessible educational content. It’s my goal to educate more people about the climate crisis and how we can all contribute to lessening waste and our carbon footprint by starting with small swaps.

Do you have any other collaborations/projects for 2022 you can share?
I have some exciting projects in the works, so stay tuned!

You have used your platform to emphasize the importance of worldwide issues, wellness, and health. How do you educate yourself the amazing way you educate others?
Now more than ever there are so many different platforms and mediums we have access to that can further our education on any subject! Whether I’m watching interviews on YouTube or attending Climate Reality trainings in person and listening to the experts and panelists speak on the climate crisis or simply scrolling through Instagram and following some of my favorite activists, I learn something every day.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Honestly, just hanging out with my dog BINX and taking him on a walk or for a swim!

How do you hope to influence others through your platform?
I always refer back to this quote by Desmond Tutu- “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” It really is as simple as that. We can all do our part in small ways to help contribute to the larger good.

What’s at the top of your bucket list?
Start my own charitable foundation!

You recently just came out with a perfume, can you tell our Modeliste readers more about this?
I recently launched my first ever fragrance collaboration with Snif! The fragrance is named Suganami, my Japanese surname and it’s a genderless, vegan, super sexy earthy scent and it’s available now on!

Can you tell us about Future Earth and ways people can get involved?
Future Earth is a community and online platform that seeks to inspire meaningful engagement with the climate crisis through digital media. We work to highlight factual based information about the climate crisis and the stories of activists, scientists, and frontline communities. You can follow us on Instagram at @FutureEarth!

You have accomplished so much to this date, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, God willing, firstly, I hope I am in good health, I have a successful acting career, maybe I started a brand of sorts and have a couple of kids and definitely more dogs!

What would you like to say to your fans and Modeliste readers?
Prioritize community! We need to look out for each other and advocate for everyone to have the right to live the life they dream!

How can people stay up to date with Steph Shep?
Follow me on IG @steph_shep



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