Model Diaries with Tinashe

Photographed By Sarah Krick

How did you start your career as a singer, actress and dancer?
My first job “in the business” was as a model at the age of 4, and then I was in my first movie at the age of 6. Music was always my biggest passion however and I transitioned to music as my primary focus around the age of 15.

Where do you draw your inspiration from when writing your music?
The weather, my mood, interpersonal relationships, twitter, movies, the zeitgeist, sex, heartbreak.

From a creativity standpoint, what would you say is most important as an artist?
Trust in yourself and your own instincts.

Who would you say was your role model growing up?
Janet Jackson and Britney Spears.

What message would you like to say to your fans?
Thank you for having such great taste and for not relying on chart position or mainstream approval to validate your support of me.

What’s something your followers may not know about you?
I can be pretty guarded with my emotions— I find it much easier to express my feelings through art than by talking.

How would you describe your personal style?
I love to use my style to play into different parts of my personality. I think of it as another dimension of my storytelling or my performance. Because of that, my style changes a lot depending on what I am trying to express that day.

What’s the most over-worn item in your wardrobe?
Definitely my hoodies!

What would you consider to be your uniform?
A sweatsuit with a big leather trench, some Nike dunks, white socks, silver jewelry and black shades.

What would you say is your beauty philosophy?
When you feel the most comfortable, you will look your best.

What is a beauty product that you don’t go a day without wearing?

Favorite lip color?
A soft brown

Go-to beauty look at this very moment?
Clean skin. I want to look like I just got out of a facial and I smell like lavender at all times.

Strong lip or strong eye?
Strong lip.

What would you tell other performers navigating fame?
Don’t get caught up in the numbers game. Art is not meant to be created like a product. Continue to take risks and follow your gut.

What music track always ends up on your curated playlists?
Outrageous – Britney Spears

Favorite lyrics you have ever written?
They say nothing lasts forever
Be it pain or be it pleasure
Nothing hurts me anymore unless I let it
We’re the lucky ones

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
“Don’t compare yourself to anyone.”

What’s some advice that you’ve completely ignored?
Make music that sounds like XYZ song.

What do you want to be known for?
Being fearless and relentless.

Who are the 3 women that are blowing your mind right now?
My best friend, my grandma, and myself as a 30-year-old.


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