Modeliste Mode Around The Home: Julia Muniz

Self-Care #STAYATHOME Virtual Getaway


How do you spend the first thirty minutes of your day?
When I have work early in the morning, I usually stretch and meditate for at least 10 min, then I wash my face with a fresh cleanser, use a jade roller to de-puff my face and proceed with my skincare routine. Next, I make a super food smoothie (including all my adaptogen powders and vitamins) for breakfast and head to work. I’ve been using Pixi Glow Mist through the day to keep my skin fresh and glowing. I think it is very important to create beauty from inside out, starting from how we nourish our bodies. When I don’t have to work, I do yoga first thing in the morning for at least 40 minutes, meditate, have breakfast and have a looong skincare routine. I love to use face masks on my free days.

What is your everyday skincare routine?
Cleanse with ”Dewyer” spirulina cleanser, exfoliate with Derma-E microdermabrasion scrub, eye serum from endota spa, then I’ll apply a serum OR oil all over my face, massaging with a jade roller. I switch between serum or oil depending on where in the world I am and how dry/oily my skin feels. If I have acne, I’ll also apply a medicated cream on acne spots.

What have you been doing to incorporate “self-care” into your time at home?
During this quarantine I’ve put as a goal to connect with myself and take care of my mind and body. I find that when I exercise and take care of my skin/hair I immediately feel better and start my day with a new perspective. Meditating brings me peace and helps me to stay calm through all of what’s happening in the world.

Where do you get your beauty products?
I usually shop online (Sephora, Revolve etc.) I frequent skincare spas pretty often and love to explore their lines as well.

How often do you try new products?
Very often. I’m always switching between creams/serums as I find that my skin gets ‘used’ to a product when using too often.

What qualities do you look for in skincare?
Effective, vegan, natural and quality ingredients. I do deal a lot with acne and need to use medicated products sometimes (which are not natural) but I try to support sustainable companies.

Modeliste: What are three beauty products you cannot live without?
Essential oils (for hair and skin), lip balm and sunscreen (I’m always outside, surfing or tanning).

Give us a 5 minute skincare/makeup strategy for your next Zoom meeting or date.
Exfoliating your face makes your skin tone look way more even, and photographs really well (you will look amazing for your zoom meeting/date). I have dark under eyes, so I apply an eye serum + Concealer. I use a face oil on my cheekbones and a tiny bit on the tip of my nose – which will give you a natural highlight and contour your face. Keep your lips hydrated with a lip balm and apply a glow mist all over your face and neck.

What are your tips and tricks to keeping healthy, clear skin?
Eating whole foods and using good quality skincare. Beauty really comes from inside, and since I’ve switched to a plant based diet my skin and hair looks so much better.

Do you have any other beauty hacks you can share with us?

Once a week I do a homemade face mask using fruits + aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel is natural, I make my own from the aloe leaf. The gel is very powerful, reduces inflammation and helps with hydration. I add this gel to my face and hair masks.

Can you share a recipe with us that you enjoy making at home?
Recipe for Face Mask: 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds + 3 tbsp water. let them soak for 15 min and apply over your face.
Food Recipe: brownie (vegan,gf) : 5 tbsp coconut oil + 4tbsp cacao powder + 2 chia/flax eggs + 2 tbsp maple syrup + dark chocolate chips. Preheat the oven to 350, and leave for 18 min.

What is your favorite fashion trend right now?
I love vintage pieces, bodysuits and blazers.

Who are your top three favorite designers?
I feel like there are so many amazing designers nowadays. My favorites are Coco Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld and Alexandre Vauthier.

What are three staple pieces in your closet you cannot live without?
Black bodysuits, Jeans and white sneakers.

What advice do you have for keeping organized while staying busy?
I like to set a goal for the day writing down in a piece of paper and checking through the day.

Are you working on any exciting projects this year?
I’m re-launching my youtube channel, designing a sustainable swim line and brainstorming charity ideas. My dream is to create a NGO to support people from my country who are in need (Brazil).

Where do you live and what do you enjoy spending most of your time doing?
I travel full time as a model and influencer, I usually have Hawaii and California as a base. I’ve been isolated in Western Australia, where my partner is from. We are having a great time here as there is lots of nature and free space. We are staying on a property by the river and it’s amazing to do yoga/meditate. We’ve been doing lots of baking and spending time together.

How did you start your career as an influencer?
I started sharing my life and adventures on Instagram. I love sports/diving, and I got invited to host a surfing tv show in Brazil where we traveled to Mexico for a month with 5 other girls, a surfing reality show. This brought me lots of exposure and people could see my personality. From there I decided to start modeling and traveling to produce content.

How do you develop inspiration and ideas for the great content you create?
I’m always connecting with like minded people, and usually my friends inspire me the most. I’ve been a lot into natural/organic skincare and lifestyle and I watch many documentaries on it. I love to learn and share information with my followers

How do you stay up to date with new fashion trends and beauty hacks?
Instagram helps me to stay up to date with new fashion trends. But I’m truly a believer of slow fashion. I love to support small business and emergent designers. I find most of my beauty hacks on youtube or instagram.

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