Nadia Mejia Modeliste Influencer Getaway to Hard Rock Hotel Los Cabos

Nadia Mejia, also known by many as Miss California, has expanded her career as a model and singer. Nadia has had great success as an influencer with her authentic content and the personality she eludes. Recently she has put most of her focus on developing a music career, and we can’t wait to hear what she’s been working on.

Nadia Meija


Ryan Chua

Hard Rock Hotel Los Cabos

How would you describe your personal brand?
My brand is constantly evolving as I grow, but there is one truth and message that I want to get across to girls on social media since the age of 17 & it’s for every girl to LOVE the skin they’re in and break free of social media comparison. I stand by self love & for each and every person to be 10000% authentically themselves.

What are three words that describe you?
Compassionate, Ambitious, & Dorky

What inspired you to become an influencer and what is now your favorite part of being one now?
It kind of just happened to be honest. I became successful through my modeling and got a lot of publicity from brands and won Miss California so my numbers just continually grew. My favorite part is I have a platform where people can listen to what I have to say! Modeling has always been about my face and body — Influencing is me using my voice to hopefully inspire and motivate my following daily!

How would you describe your stay at the Hard Rock Hotel Los Cabos?
UNREAL! The hotel was absolutely stunning, my room was triple the size of my one bedroom apartment, the breakfast buffet made my mouth water everyday, & I couldn’t have imagined a better resort to stay at in Mexico!

What were you looking forward to most when coming onto this trip?
Seeing my bestie, Olivia Jordan! We found out 4 days before leaving that we were both on this trip and absolutely lost it! Quality time with my big sister — what more could I ask for!

What was your favorite part about the trip?
So many highlights honestly. I loved spending time with the influencers, but my ultimate highlight was meeting Amy & Kaila and developing a genuine relationship with the people who put the trip and magazine together! One night, the three of us were covered in glow paint, dancing at a KIDS CLUB, living our best lives with no worry in the world. It was a moment I’ll never forget!

What would you say is your spirit animal and why?
Hmmmm. If a giraffe and a monkey had a baby it would probably be me. I’m long, lanky, and awkward like a giraffe but am wild and energized with a funny personality like a monkey.

What is something you learned about Cabo during your stay?
We took a tour into Todos Santos and realized the population was fully European and American in the most authentic Mexican town & got all of the facts about the city. It was absolutely gorgeous!

What is something you always travel with?
My daily devotional! I have to start every morning with a little dose of Jesus!

Do you have a beauty ritual?
On vacation, I stay away from heavy makeup but love a tinted sunscreen, cream blush, and tinted chapstick. You look like a natural goddess with a little bit of help that won’t make you breakout.

What is your favorite fashion trend at the moment?
My favorite fashion trend forever is going to be vintage tees. My grandpa hands me down every Harley Davidson T he owns and I look like I’m some edgy girl who goes thrift shopping when in reality, nope — just Papa Paul’s wardrobe!

How do you stay up to date with beauty, fashion brands, and trends?
Other influencers, Duh! Hahahah…but really. I love following girls that are uplifting, fashionable, inspiring, and RELATABLE! That is key to getting a follow from me.

What is your favorite accessory to wear daily?
A day without mini hoops on my ears is a day wasted.

What is something you would like to say to your fans?

Are you working on any exciting projects?
Yes yes yes. Bye bye modeling, hello Latina Popstar? Stay tuned.

What goal do you want to fulfill this year?
Pursue my music to the fullest degree. I’m ready to make a career out of something that sets my heart on fire!

3 things you’d like to check off on your Bucket List.
1.) Skydiving
2.) Have a destination wedding
3.) Get one Tattoo

Where do you wish to travel next?
Greece, Bali, or the Galápagos Islands.

What advice would you give to someone who is going to Cabo for their first time?
Don’t drink water that isn’t bottled. Embrace the all inclusive Piña Colada life.

What inspired you to work with Modeliste Magazine?
I had seen plenty of my influencer friends travel with them and it looked amazing. I received an email asking to join a trip & I said yes which changed my life because now I have a new little family. Love Modeliste with all my heart!

See more of our stay at Hard Rock Los Cabos, here.

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