Rising Star: Noelia Ramirez


Tell Modeliste readers a bit about yourself.
My name is Noelia Ramirez and I am a 23 year old Latin American influencer. I love sharing my beauty, fashion, and lifestyle tips online!

How did you establish your career as an influencer?
A lot of my friends were influencers from the time I was 16. Back then I didn’t have any form of social media, but when I finally downloaded and joined Instagram it just came naturally. I really enjoy posting and interacting with people online.

What is your favorite part of living in Los Angeles?
I was born and raised in Los Angeles so my favorite thing about it is that it feels like home. Other than that, I love the diversity we have going on. I also always miss the food whenever I go anywhere else.

Top 3 on your 2021 Bucket List?
1. Learn how to snowboard
2. Go on a road trip
3. Conquer every hike in LA

You recently came out with a beautiful swimwear collection with Aro Swim, where did you draw your inspiration for the designs?
The collection was inspired by fall colors, I absolutely love how the collection turned out!

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?
I think people may be surprised to know that unless I’m working on content for my social media I am literally in sweats and no makeup 24/7. My Instagram portrays me as such a glam girl, but I’m really not.

As an influencer, how do you hope to influence people through your platform?
I hope to influence people to be more accepting of others and to self love. I also always want to remind people that what we see online isn’t realistic most of the time, including what people see on my page. I always make sure to post my best angle, I don’t always look the way I do online.

Can you share your tips and tricks to keeping healthy & clear skin?
Healthy skin starts from within, so I always try and make sure I drink enough water (a gallon a day is always my goal). From there I was my face only once a day, most of the time at night. I use a gentle face cleanser, then follow it up with a serum. I love vitamin C serum for daytime and I rotate my night time serums. Lastly, I apply a rich moisturizer (with SPF for daytime).

What can our readers expect to see from you in 2021? Any upcoming projects you can share with us?
In 2021 I would like to take part in more collaborations with brands that I am a fan of. I’m also working on a few other things I can’t quite share yet!

What would you like to say to your fans?
I’d love to tell my fans how much I appreciate their support and hope to continue to make content they enjoy.


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