Social Star Spotlight: Jessica Ricks

Mode Around the Globe: Turkey
Photographed by Logan Hill
Special thanks to Turkish Airlines.

Jessica Ricks

What does it mean to you to be an Influencer?
It means that I can make a difference!

Can you describe your YouTube channel/Instagram feed in 3 words?
Happy, glamorous, bright

 How would you describe yourself in a hashtag?

What is most important to you about being a social media Influencer?
Understanding that with the power to influence comes responsibility.

Tell us about your recent trip to Turkey with Modeliste Mode Around The Globe.
My sister and I were very lucky to start our trip in Turkish Airlines Business Class. We arrived rested and in great spirits. The next few days were super busy and we tried a bunch of amazing restaurants and visited so many mosques, bazaars, rug shops and more. Next we got to visit Cappadocia and that was simply magical. Riding in a hot air balloon over the caves as the sun rose and also shooting at the Museum Hotel as the balloons went up the next day was out of this world. We continued to try more enticing restaurants and visit more cool places. We were sad to leave but flying back in Business Class again however made for a sweet ending.

What was your most memorable part of the trip?
The morning we woke up for the hot air balloons view at the Museum Hotel!! Also, the sunset in Red Valley! It was too stunning! And the super delicious Mezza plate at the Four Seasons Hotel Sultanahmet.

What were your favorite places you visited in Turkey
Cappadocia as a whole was incredible… The Four Seasons Hotels and the Grand Bazaar was so unique and fun.

What did you love most about flying Turkish Airlines?
The service was lovely, I got excellent sleep and the food of course was wonderful!

What was the best part of of the Turkish Airlines experience?

What would your travel advice or recommendations be to anyone visiting Turkey?
Wear whatever you want and be prepared to eat a lot of good food! Make time to visit all the amazing places in Turkey!

What would you call your style?
Feminine, classy, modern and on trend.

Out of all the fashionable people on the planet, who is your fashion icon?
Audrey Hepburn and Gigi Hadid

Which Influencer/YouTuber Inspires you?
So many! @sincerelyjules inspires me to be more artistic, @cmcoving inspires me to be more productive, @thefashionfraction inspires me to be more EXTRA, @pamela_rf inspires me to eat better and workout.

In a world without social media, what would you imagine yourself doing with your life?
 I imagine I would be doing what I always planned on back when I was in school.. I would have gone to an ad agency in the city and worked as a creative director!

How do you usually start your days?
I take it easy and make some California avocado toast. I always have to start my day with a good breakfast. Then I decide if I have to get ready right away to go out and about or if I am going to spend the day on the computer.


What are 3 things that you cannot live without?
Other than the realistic things like water, food and sleep? My phone, makeup and online shopping.

What makes you laugh?
My boyfriend, memes, and funny videos.

What’s your go-to beauty look right now?
Smokey eyes with cat liner, peachy cheeks and neutral lips.

What’s one beauty secret that you’re willing to share with us?
Exfoliate every day!

Matte or gloss?
Gloss because of LipSense!

Strong lip or strong eye?
Strong eye

Favorite lip color?
Goddess LipSense

Favorite Pixi product?
The Pixi Shea Butter Lip Balm! It smells good and feels nice on too!

What did you love most about Kabeah Perfume’s new line of fragrances?
They are all so soft and natural.

What was your go-to Giovanni hair product?
The Giovanni 2chic Avocado & Olive Oil Ultra-Moist Conditioner! It makes my dry ends silky and moisturized without weighing it down.

What’s your secret to a killer photograph?
Smile 🙂

Which person’s closet would you most like to raid?
Gigi Hadid

Favorite designer?
Michael Kors

Favorite fashion trend this season?
I’m so happy leopard print is back!!

Who is the one person who’s blowing your mind right now?
Elon Musk

What is your favorite midnight snack food?
Cottage cheese… not because I like how it tastes (I don’t) but because it settles my blood sugar and also has a chemical in it which helps me sleep better.

What are you binging on Netflix these days?
I just watched Maniac! That was hard to get into but I ended up thinking the show was pretty good. I’m just waiting for Stranger Things though!!

If you could make a cameo in any film or television show, what would it be?
I think it would be cool to be in Game of Thrones but they don’t have Asians in that show haha!

What actress would you want to play you in a movie?
Shay Mitchell

What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
I’m not sure about bravest, but I felt like a hero one time on New Years Eve when I was on my way to go out for the evening and I saw a chihuahua running down the street in my old neighborhood and I slowly followed it in my car as it ran as fast it’s little legs could about a mile… I cornered it under someone’s boat (they had a boat in their driveway) and I “saved” the chihuahua. The owner was so happy she cried!!

What do your fans mean to you?
My fans are so important to me!

What are your favorite comments to receive?
Thoughtful comments.

If you could say anything to your fans right now, what would you say?
I would say thank you for following me and I love you guys 🙂 I wouldn’t be where I am today without you all. It probably sounds cliche but I mean it.

 Do you have any upcoming projects you can tell us about?
Project Fall and Winter! I just made that up but no really over the next few months I’ll go a little wild trying to capture the best fall locations with the best fall fashion and likewise for winter. It’s always the craziest time of the year for me.

Why do you love Modeliste Magazine?
Modeliste always plans the best trips and really takes care of their girls! Thank you Modeliste for everything!


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