Turkish Airlines: New Uniforms

Turkish Airlines new, elegant cabin crew uniforms bring style to the skies

In celebration of 85 successful years, Turkish Airlines unveiled a fresh look with a new uniform specially designed for its cabin crew. The new uniforms will rollout following the opening of the Istanbul New Airport, the “new home” of Turkey’s flag carrier airline.

Inspired by many classic elements of Turkish design and culture, the new uniforms incorporate traditional patterns found in artisanal glassware, ceramics, and calligraphy with contemporary textures and details. The collection combines shapes and colors found in Istanbul’s Bosphorus with a ‘flow detail’ created to symbolize the effortless and dynamic energy of Turkey’s most vibrant city as an intersection between East and West.

The global airline, which flies to more countries than any other, paired up with Milan-based Haute Couturier Ettore Bilotta to create the new uniform design heralding a new era for the global airline.

Unique and recognizable with a deep red and anthracite grey palette, the collection includes hats, gloves, dresses, bags, and accessories. The uniforms of the cabin and cockpit crew, flying chefs, and ground services will be streamlined under a single design to offer passengers a holistic brand experience. Bilotta’s designs also bring together the form and function, an essential consideration for a global airline. New designs were not only conceptualized in consultation with fashion leaders and Turkish Airlines’ cabin crew team, but tested rigorously on long-haul trial flights in different climates.

To launch the new look, Turkish Airlines teamed up with globally renowned British photographer and artist, Miles Aldridge to shoot the new Turkish Airlines cabin uniform collection in Istanbul’s unique spots.

Rich in culture and history, and vibrant in color and texture, Istanbul, provided a stunning backdrop to the uniforms. Drawing on his ability to combine a meticulous approach and rare flair for drama and narrative, Miles Aldridge used the city to create a selection of bright and distinct images, ready for the launch of the uniforms. A moment that just happens to coincide with the airlines 85th Anniversary.


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