Women to Watch: Brooks Nader

Photographed by Victor Robertof
Hair by Nunzio Saviano
Makeup by Kavita Kaul

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

COFFEE!! Just kidding, definitely staying motivated in my career and working towards my goals! I usually start my day with a workout with my trainer at Gotham in New York City and lots of coffee!

What star zodiac sign are you?

What’s the most accurate thing about you related to your star zodiac sign?
Definitely my independence and how upfront and honest I am with how I’m feeling, I am definitely one for “No BS”. If I am feeling something about you or an idea, you will know it!

If you had a full day off, what would you do with it?
Spend it with my man and family, sipping spicy margaritas on the beach!

What can you tell us about your latest projects?

I’ve been shooting some super amazing beauty campaigns lately and been doing more editorial work like this which excites me! Also working on a home decor line.

What message would you like to say to your fans?
Thank you for following me in this crazy journey called life, for those who were there from the beginning or those just joining the party, I love y’all and am grateful to have you along for the ride! Stay tuned because we’re just getting started!

What’s something your followers may not know about you?
I feel like my goofy personality and senses of humor aren’t as obvious on my Instagram! I get told all the time that I need to showcase that more so I’m working on that!

How would you describe your personal style?

I would say my style has evolved so much over the years, I live for neutrals, modern cuts and 90s vibes! I’m a big “street style” “off duty” lover, even if it’s as simple as a dope set of sweats with a high pony and gold hoops!

What’s the most over worn item in your wardrobe?
Right now (and all of 2020) I’ve been living in sweats/ loungewear and activewear! That’s pretty much the daily uniform, I do miss events and getting dressed up though and can’t wait for that to come back!

What is a beauty product that you don’t go a day without wearing?
Clarins new eye cream called “total eye lift”, even if I’m running on 2 hours of sleep, you wouldn’t be able to tell!🤩

What do you want to be known for?
I hope to leave a legacy of owning your true self and embracing your flaws and imperfections to the younger generation, I have 3 younger sisters who motivate me to set that example every day. It’s been such a long journey to self love that I finally feel like I’m in a place where I am more confident and comfortable than ever!

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