Mode Around The Globe: Jenn Lee

Jenn Lee

Photographed by BRETT ERICKSON
PALMAÏA - The House of AÏa

What’s the first thing you do each morning?
My morning routine consists of, first things first, coffee! Then I walk my dog, Bronson, come back and check my texts and notifications, send out some emails, and most likely head to Pilates or the gym. Sometimes I’ll write in my gratitude journal on a good day.

What’s a hobby or interest you have that might surprise people?
I love all types of activities! I’m actually quite the tomboy and love anything that’s a thrill—shooting guns, scuba diving, snorkeling, snowboarding, kayaking, rock climbing, etc.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give your younger self?
Don’t hold back.

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

camped out in the Amazon Jungle in Peru for three days with some girlfriends. We actually camped and built our “tent,” which was just tree trunks chopped down with a piece of plastic tied to them as a “roof.” We built our own fire and fished for our food! Honestly, it was so insane, and I was fully covered in mosquito bites, but it was SO COOL! I met a baby monkey and named him George.

How do you typically spend a lazy Sunday?
Ooooh, my lazy Sundays aren’t really that lazy. I love to get a good workout or Pilates class in, then go for a juice or a leisurely brunch. I also love a home-cooked Sunday dinner and will most likely meal prep my dog’s food for the week (I cook him his meals).

What’s a fashion trend you’re loving right now?

Anything brown and burgundy.

What’s one destination on your travel bucket list?
Zakynthos, Cape Town to dive with great white sharks, Sardinia, Santorini, Fiji, Morocco, Brazil... Oops, that wasn’t just one. :)

What’s your guilty pleasure?
Extra hot Hot Cheetos and McDonald’s.

What are your favorite wellness rituals?
I love a hot dry sauna, then a steam room with a salt scrub and deep conditioner in my hair, hot tub, then a cold plunge! I did this at the Kukui Ula Spa in Kauai, and I’ve been obsessed ever since!

If you could learn a new skill instantly, what would it be?
To be a master equestrian.

What’s the one item you always carry in your bag?
Portable charger, 100,000%

What’s a quality you admire most in others?

If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now, what would your dream job be?
I would be working in the ocean. I actually wanted to study marine biology, so I’d definitely be doing something related to diving or ocean animals.

What’s one goal you’ve set for yourself in the new year?
Don’t waste my time.

What was your favorite part of Modeliste’s Palmaïa The House of AïA wellness retreat getaway?
I really loved meeting all the girls! I love meeting my fellow peers, and honestly, Palmaïa The House of AïA was the perfect place for a relaxing girls' getaway—not to mention, it’s a stunning place to be in general.