Mode Around the Globe: Ruslana Gee
Ruslana Gee
Photographed by SAM SPENCE
What’s the first thing you do each morning?
I usually start my morning by checking my to-do list. I’m a bit forgetful, so I need to know what’s on my agenda for the day before I get going. It helps me feel grounded and organized.
What’s a song that’s currently on repeat in your playlist?
Nothing Matters by The Last Dinner Party.
If you could swap lives with someone for a day, who would it be?
Probably Justin Bieber. It would be fascinating to experience life as the opposite gender, and let’s be real—being rich and famous for a day wouldn’t hurt either. Haha!
What’s a hobby or interest you have that might surprise people?
Making music and writing lyrics. It’s something very personal and therapeutic for me, and I think most people don’t expect it from me.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give your younger self?
Always listen to your inner voice and trust it above all else. It’s easy to get lost in other people’s opinions, but your intuition is your best guide.
If you could have dinner with two people, living or historical, who would they be?
Marilyn Monroe and Leonardo da Vinci. Imagine the stories and secrets they’d share—it would be the most intriguing dinner conversation ever!
What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
Rock climbing without any equipment in the middle of the ocean. It sounds scarier than it actually was.
How do you typically spend a lazy Sunday?
I love spending lazy Sundays watching comfort movies, especially rom-coms from the early 2000s. They’re my ultimate escape.
What’s a fashion trend you’re loving right now?
I’m obsessed with ‘90s-inspired staple pieces. They’re so timeless and versatile—it’s the perfect balance between vintage and modern.
What’s one destination on your travel bucket list?
Egypt! There’s so much history and culture there, and I’d love to see the pyramids in person one day.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Cartoons. They’re such a great way to relax and unwind—they bring out my inner child in the best way.
What’s the most memorable compliment you’ve ever received?
Someone once told me, “I love your sense of humor.” It really stuck with me because I think humor is such a personal and underrated trait.
What are your favorite wellness rituals?
Whenever I feel like my face looks puffy or tired, I use ice cubes. It’s definitely not for everyone, but it works wonders for me and feels super refreshing.
What’s the best book you’ve read recently?
Ikigai. It’s such an inspiring read about finding purpose and meaning in life.
If you could learn a new skill instantly, what would it be?
I’d love to learn how to play the piano. It would help a lot!
What’s the one item you always carry in your bag?
My wallet and keys. I like to keep things simple and stick to the essentials.
What’s a quality you admire most in others?
I admire people who have a lot of patience—it’s something I’m working on myself. I’m also inspired by ambitious and adventurous people; their energy is contagious.
If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now, what would your dream job be?
Either a detective or a photographer.
What’s one goal you’ve set for yourself in the new year?
To travel more and explore new places!
What was your favorite part of Modeliste’s Palmaïa The House of AïA wellness retreat getaway?
The breathtaking views, the amazing spa experiences, and soaking up the sun were incredible. But what stood out the most was meeting so many inspiring and empowering women. It was truly unforgettable.