Mode Around the Globe: Taylor Lashae

How would you describe your perfect day?
A perfect day for me includes a spa, some sun, a cold plunge, and a great massage followed by the best healthy lunch. I’d probably do some sightseeing, walk around a museum, or wander through a city I’ve never been to. I'd end it with an early dinner, a movie in bed, an hour or two to scroll, and then the best 10 hours of sleep ever. Now that’s a perfect day.
What’s your biggest motivator?
My biggest motivator is maintaining my peace and happiness. Everything in my life lately has revolved around my happiness and whether it brings me true joy. I’m done doing things for others if they don’t align with what I want. I’m learning what makes me happy, and that has been my biggest motivation lately.
What’s a project you’re currently working on that excites you?
Well, I’m actually moving to a whole new city, and that’s a major project in itself! Everything from the move and decor to making the space my own while also navigating a new life. I’m all about self-progression, and I can’t wait to learn more about myself through this move. It’s my favorite project so far!
What's a food you can never resist?
Anything that allows buffalo sauce to be poured on it! I don’t know what it is, but I absolutely love it. To answer the question, I can never resist boneless buffalo wings…ever. They’re my weakness.

What’s a trend you think should make a comeback?
Hmm, I’m not too sure. I don’t really follow too many trends, but one thing I hope never goes out of style is square-toe boots. I love them and never want them to disappear!
What is your favorite Pixi Beauty product?
Now, this is a hard question! I adore so many Pixi products! But if I had to choose, I’d say my top three are the bronzer and blush stick, the face mists, and the black eyeliner pencil—literally my go-tos!
How would you describe your skincare or makeup beauty routine?
I’d say my skincare and makeup routines are all about hydration! I love dewy, glowy skin with borderline too much hydration, honestly. My skin is very dry, so I crave as much hydration as I can get.
What’s the first thing you notice when you meet someone?
Sense of humor! I definitely pay attention to how people have fun and relate to others through humor. Especially when meeting new people, it’s much easier for me to bond or connect with someone through their sense of humor.

If you could only keep one social media app, which would it be?
Hands down, TikTok. It’s honestly the best app ever made. It’s where I get my news, laugh the hardest, and learn and share ideas. I love how people are almost required to be their genuine selves rather than pushing a fake narrative of happiness. TikTok is inclusive and real, and I love it for that reason.
If you could learn any new skill instantly, what would it be?
Oh—I would love to learn every language in the world. Easy!
What's one place you’ve always wanted to visit?
Egypt!!! I would absolutely love to see the pyramids and Alexandria. There are tons of places I haven’t been, but Egypt is definitely one place I would die to go to! I love history, so this is right up my alley!
What’s the best decision you made in the past year?
The best decision I made was to set boundaries and keep them! I created two rules for myself this year and have stuck to them. They’ve brought me happiness and strength. The two rules are: 1. I’m not going to do anything I don’t want to do anymore, and 2. No more fake friends. If I feel someone is pulling away or is kind of a hater, it’s buh-bye. I’m not doing it anymore.

What’s a book or movie that has inspired you?
This list would be endless, so I’ll just share a few TV shows I recently watched that I’m absolutely obsessed with: Dark, Tell Me Lies, and Normal People Who would play you in a movie about your life? Oooo, I like this one. I’ve never really thought about it, but if I could choose anyone, I would absolutely want Miss Audrey Hepburn herself to play me.
What's something you hope to accomplish in the next year?
I hope to learn more about myself, understand my boundaries and keep them. I want to figure out what makes me happy and grow from there. I aim to stop being a people-pleaser, break free from societal molds of what life should look like, and just be satisfied with my own life and growth.
What advice would you give to someone about to start their own social media journey?
Be yourself. Nothing more, nothing less.
What was your favorite part of the LA Modeliste getaway with Pixi Beauty? There were so many amazing moments on this trip! But I think my favorite part was meeting new people and being introduced to incredible brands I might not have discovered otherwise. I always have the absolute best time with Modeliste Magazine!