Mode Around the Globe: Taylor LaShae
Taylor La Shae
Photographed by BRETT ERICKSON
PALMAÏA - The House of AÏa
What’s the first thing you do each morning?
The first thing I do in the morning is put on some lofi chill music throughout my house. I wake up very early—6 a.m. some days—just to lay in bed and scroll for a good hour or so. Depending on the day, I either make a matcha or go grab one. Pilates or work is typically the next move.
What’s a hobby or interest you have that might surprise people?
I love researching nonstop conspiracies (which aren’t really conspiracies anymore, are they?). I love theories. I enjoy exploring the deeper meanings of things. I obsess over knowledge and the things that have been forgotten by history.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give your younger self?
Stay yourself, little one! Don’t let the world harden you so much. You were so fearless… do your thing, girlie.
If you could have dinner with three people, living or historical, who would they be?
Jesus, because I want to listen to him speak wisdom. Alexander the Great, to see his library and read all I can before the fire. Joe Rogan— I have so many questions!
What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
Move away from the States for six years. I spent a year in a different country making my way back to the Western world.
How do you typically spend a lazy Sunday?
Deep cleaning, listening to music, reorganizing, and getting everything ready for a fresh Monday start.
What’s a fashion trend you’re loving right now?
Those Miu Miu black motorcycle boots. LOVING anything Miu Miu right now.
What’s one destination on your travel bucket list?
Osaka to see the ancient trees. And I’d still love to go to Giza… that’s the biggest on my bucket list for me.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Did I mention I like conspiracy theories? Lol.
What’s the most memorable compliment you’ve ever received?
That every time they think of a band, I remind them of me because I showed them that band or particular song.
What are your favorite wellness rituals?
Long bubble baths with an ice face roller and 25 candles going.
What’s the best book you’ve read recently?
Stop Thinking So Much.
If you could learn a new skill instantly, what would it be?
Learn fluent French and Spanish.
What’s the one item you always carry in your bag?
Lip oil—a must-have.
What’s a quality you admire most in others?
True kindness. A gentle kindness, like the world hasn’t reached them yet. I truly admire that. More points if they’ve been through it and still maintain a soft demeanor and heart toward life.
If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now, what would your dream job be?
Own a boutique of amazing clothing brands from around the world, a record shop, matcha, and more.
What’s one goal you’ve set for yourself in the new year?
To open up said shop.
What was your favorite part of Modeliste’s Palmaïa The House of AïA wellness retreat getaway?
It’s always meeting the girls! Every single person on all these trips I’ve taken with Modeliste has always been such a dream. Such great people and connections!