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Smooth Talker – Dr Schweitzer



Do you have wrinkles you would like to smooth out? Lines you would like to erase? Blemishes you would like to make disappear? It’s time to enlist a cosmetic dermatologist!

Cosmetic treatments that can help improve the look and feel of your skin are in high demand and the choices are extensive. From aestheticians, nurses, to physicians your choice of treatment provider is also great and could make your road to success a bumpy one. Cosmetic dermatologists have advanced education in treating the skin and performing cosmetic procedures.


Cosmetic treatments can deliver spectacular results if performed safely and correctly. Cosmetic Dermatologists have extensive medical knowledge and skills necessary to safely and effectively reduce the signs of aging. These experts have undergone extensive medical training in medical dermatology to diagnose and treat diseases of the skin, hair, and nails. After becoming a dermatologist a cosmetic dermatologist has further training in utilizing state of the art technology and techniques which improve a patient’s appearance. Dr. Schweitzer reminds us that “undergoing a cosmetic procedure is not just about looking and feeling great, it is about your health and safety first. Keep in mind that these are medical procedures and injectables are prescription medications so going to an MD is your best choice.“


If there is a time to be choosy, this is it! Choose a board certified dermatologist who is licensed in your state and do your research about their expertise and experience doing cosmetic procedures. “A board certified dermatologist will be able to evaluate and determine what type of treatment will provide you the best results for your particular type of skin” Dr. Schweitzer explains.

Dr. Schweitzer gives us a few insider tips to keep in mind when you are ready to schedule your consultation:

  • This is the time for you to get all of your questions answered. Bring a list of questions to ask and expect clear answers.
  • Be reasonable about your expectations. Bringing a photo of your favorite celebrity and expecting to look the same is unrealistic. Choose a photo of your younger self instead and expect to look like yourself with a little enhancement.
  • Organize and make a list of your top three cosmetic concerns and don’t be afraid to take notes. You should be given a clear explanation of different treatment options available for you.
  • You should expect a discussion of risks involved with each procedure recommended to you.
  • Be sure to bring with you a complete medical history which includes medications you may be taking, past surgeries, skin reactions, allergies, and family history of medical conditions. Don’t omit anything, even if it seems unimportant.
  • Communicate with honesty and openness, the information you share can make a significant difference in obtaining the results you seek

For more information:

Book your next appointment with Dr. Schweitzer:


960 South Westlake Blvd., Suite 208

Westlake Village, CA 91361

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