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Modern Muse: Keesha Sharp



Interview by Jill Winkler

Lethal Weapon is such a fun comedy-drama series where you play Roger Murtaugh, played by Damon Wayans, wife. What is your favorite part of this role?
I love being the strong woman who can do it all. There are some roles that may focus on being the supportive wife or being the independent powerful woman or being the stylish sexy one. I think Trish is all of those things as a high powered defense attorney, mother, supportive wife and even as a bridge between Roger and Riggs.

What are the most challenging aspects of filming this series?
I think the schedule. Because Damon and Clayne have so many scenes from action to drama to comedy, our production staff has an incredible task of fitting it all in. We have 2 units most times and it feels like shooting a film! But, they do it and do it great!!

What sort of person is going to enjoy this show?
Everyone. It really has something for everyone. But mostly, anyone who enjoys to be entertained. It is a heart filled story with adrenaline and laughter. Just a good time!

Are you a fan of the old Lethal Weapon films?
Yes! I watch them whenever they come on! When I first got an audition for this, I worried about a TV version. Then I read the script and it’s the only show I wanted to do.

How is today’s Lethal Weapon television series similar?
It’s based on the original story and depth of the original movie. And in that, Matt Miller and the Producers nailed it. Even more, they found a way to make it contemporary while keeping the style true.

How is it different?
Well, I think it is very current. Clayne and Damon bring their own personalities to the roles which honors the character but departs from Gibson and Glover. Of course my role is probably the most different as Trish is not a stay at home Mom.

What do you and your costars like to do on set when you are in between takes?
Rest! When not doing that we catch up with each other. And there is a lot of joking around.

Do you share any similarities between yourself and the character you play on this show?
Yes, I share many qualities with Trish. As a mother who is passionate about her career AND her family. As a woman who encourages her husband. And, like Trish and Rog, my husband and I have been married 20 years and we make sure to keep it sexy. Our love for each other surpasses time. Another similarity is the fact that Trish wants to help those who can’t help themselves.

You’re also set to star in a very different type of production. You are cast as Thurgood Marshall’s wife in the upcoming film Marshall. Can you tell us about this upcoming project and the character you play?
Many people know Thurgood Marshall from being on the Supreme Court or from Brown Vs Board of Education but this film focuses on an early case in 1940 about a man wrongly accused in Connecticut. I play his first wife Buster and the film shows a period when they were going through challenging times.

If you could have dinner with anybody, dead or alive, who would it be?
There are SO many throughout time it is hard to pick. Right now what’s coming to me is Leonardo Da Vinci. He had such a creative and intelligent mind for art, invention, writing. I would imagine he would be fascinating to talk with.

How do you describe your current style?
I change it up a lot but the only thing consistent is a high heel or platform! Usually I like a Sexy Stylish Casual look. But I’m a Gemini so my mood changes.

Would you rather be overdressed or underdressed?
Overdressed for sure.

When it comes to jewelry, what types of pieces are you drawn to?
Extremely simple. I also love leather, leather, leather.

What is your current favorite shade of lipstick?
Rich reds. Currently “Icon” by HOURGLASS

If you were on a desert island and could only bring one beauty product, what would it be?
I would’ve said lipstick but the desert island has me thinking Coconut Oil. I would use it in my hair, on my skin and for medicinal purposes.

Where is somewhere you would like to travel to that you haven’t been yet?
Iceland. We have always wanted to go there. The land of Fire and Ice.

What is your favorite place that you have traveled to that you would go back to in a heartbeat?

Do you have any upcoming projects that you are able to share with us?
Marshall film, hopefully season 2 of Lethal Weapon and the other things that are still not announced yet 🙂

What’s your favorite thing to do when you don’t have to be on set?
I love being at the gym, dance class or watching TV at home.

Why do you love Modeliste?
Fashion Fashion Fashion! I love the high quality of the images and the content. As a fan of style and beauty, I love to look at the best and newest style and trends.

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