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Social Stars: Shannon Barker



Photographed by Azusa Takano

Pros in capturing and captivating an audience, creating lustrous images, these Influencers showcase their individual sense of style with creativity and artistry.  These Influencers are not only beautiful but as creative artists themselves, know how to work clothes and showcase products in a unique and engaging manner. With a serious social media following and well-engaged fan base, there’s no doubt that these Social Stars have the tools to propel and sustain very successful careers all the while sharing the journey with everyone in the social media stratosphere.

Shannon Barker

Tell us a little about your blog and social feeds. How would you describe your overall feed?
My overall feed is centered around health, wellness and being your most beautiful self from the Inside out. I am a full time model so I also love to throw in photos from shoots and my travels.

What makes your social channels unique?
I think my social channels are unique because with modeling, people have the perception that models don’t eat, but I eat all of the time very healthily and love to post about it! There is no need for fad diets to achieve the “perfect body,” but instead, I love to promote nourishing your body through food and fitness.

Where do you find your inspiration?
I’m consistently inspired by the people around me! My Boyfriend, friends and my agent all inspire me so much.

Describe your personality in 3 words.
Mellow, happy, and optimistic.

What elements do you think create an engaging IG feed?

1. Consistent content, stick to what you know!
2. Not too many selfies. Mix it up, sometimes you need a good palm tree photo.
3. Show your real life! I try to share photos from every aspect of my life, whether I’m working out, trying a new restaurant, at a photoshoot or just hanging with friends. Follower like to see the real stuff.

Any favorites influencers or celebrities you personally love to follow?
My favorites right now are @hanaleighreponty, @romeestrijd and @leefromamerica

How would you describe your personal style?
Really laid back and minimal. I love just black pants and a plain tee shirt.

Most memorable career moment so far?
Hmmmm probably booking the For Love and Lemons show at Miami Swim Week. They were a dream Company to work for and walking in Miami swim week was a goal for me, especially after being turned down by Miami Agencies.

Winter wardrobe Must-haves for the
An oversized cozy flannel!

What do you love most about your followers? What’s a great fan moment that comes to mind?
I just love the fact that I’m able to inspire girls to be healthy and find their beauty from the inside! I’ve had quite a few girl message me telling me that I’ve changed there life and inspired them to get active and eat healthy. So special.

Current handbag?
It changes depending on where I am! Right now I’m in Hawaii so I’m using my vintage brown leather bag that has a braided strap, but last week when I was in Colorado I was carrying my black mini purse from Furla.

What item can’t you live without?
My reusable water bottle! I drink 2-3 liters a day and I would go crazy without it.

What is your ultimate go-to beauty product?
Boy Brow from Glossier. Perfect brows in seconds.

Best beauty tip.

Favorite App on your phone.
Pinterest! Follow me 🙂 @shannonbarkerr, I could pin for hours.

Most used emoji?
The three little sparkles and all of the fruit.

What makes you laugh no matter what?
My boyfriend Sam is always making me laugh, he has these little characters that he’ll talk like and it’s hilarious. I swear he could go into acting if he wanted too.

Favorite meal.
Shrimp Panang Curry. I could eat curry everyday.

Favorite travel spot.
The north shore of Oahu, the food, the beaches and the small town feel.

3 Things on your Bucket List.
1. Live in Australia for a month or two.
2. Travel to Tahiti
3. Open my own Health food Cafe.

What’s something that you have always wanted to try but you’ve been too scared to do?
Cliff jumping!

What’s next for you? Any upcoming projects we can be on the lookout for?
Nothing set in stone right now, I just want to Travel a lot in 2017.

What did you love most about the Modeliste trip to Vail?
Making new Friends! All of the girls were so genuine and fun.

Why you love Modeliste magazine.
I love the people and stories!


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