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Modeliste Mode Around The Home: Lauren Luyendyk



Self-Care #STAYATHOME Virtual Getaway


How do you spend the first thirty minutes of your day?
I set the tone for my day by accomplishing something right away, which is normally answering emails. The next thing I do is, wake my daughter and feed her breakfast.

What is your everyday skincare routine?
I like to change my skincare routine up from day to day! I always wash my face with a balancing cleanser. Then depending on whether my skin is more dry or I’m having a break out, I’ll choose an exfoliating gel serum or a hyaluronic acid/hydrating serum. Next, moisturize!

What have you been doing to incorporate “self-care” into your time at home?
I’ve been taking bubble baths, trying all the masks, exercising and making sure I get some alone time to meditate.

Where do you get your beauty products?
I order all of them online.

How often do you try new products?
I am constantly trying new products. I have my staples that I don’t really stray from, but I like to know what’s out there.

What qualities do you look for in skincare?
I always look for the least amount of chemicals. The more natural the product, the better. I look for gentle, yet effective.

What are three beauty products you cannot live without?
A lip mask, a good moisturizer and sunscreen.

Give us a 5 minute skincare/makeup strategy for your next Zoom meeting or date.
My zoom skincare/make up strategy has been pretty basic lately. First, moisturize! Then patch on the concealer to cover up the dark circles, add a little brow, a little mascara, lip mask and boom! You’re ready!

What are your tips and tricks to keeping healthy, clear skin?
I never go to bed without washing my face, drink as much water as I can throughout the day, wear sunscreen and use a gentle exfoliant 1-2x per week.

 Do you have any other beauty hacks you can share with us?
 Do face masks in the shower! My favorite right now is Pixi’s Shower Facial. It’s like being in a giant steam room!

Can you share a recipe with us that you enjoy making at home?
I’m not the best cook, but this is my mom’s brownie mix recipe that I crave all the time!

Healthy(er) Brownies:
3 tbsp cocoa
1/3 cup sugar
6 tbsp whole wheat flour
5 tbsp coconut oil
Pinch of salt
1 tbsp flaxseed + 3 tbsp water
1/2 tsp vanilla

What is your favorite fashion trend right now?
Due to the interesting situation we’re currently in, many of the trends are showing up in loungewear. So, I have to say my favorites are matching sweats and athleisure sets!

Who are your top three favorite designers?
Bridal: Hayley Paige. YSL & Chanel.

What are three staple pieces in your closet you cannot live without?
Sticky boobs, a good pair of jeans and a pair of white tennies.

What advice do you have for keeping organized while staying busy?
Get yourself a sweet hubby that loves to clean. 🙂

Are you working on any exciting projects this year?
Oh my gosh…where do I start? I’m launching a clothing label later this year. SO excited about this one! It’s my other baby. The other projects I can’t quite talk about yet.

Where do you live and what do you enjoy spending most of your time doing?
I live in Phoenix and when I’m home I love to swim in the pool with my fam and explore all of the hiking trails nearby.

How did you start your career as an influencer?
I sold my soul to The Bachelor Franchise. ;). It all worked out though.

How do you develop inspiration and ideas for the great content you create?
 I am naturally a really creative person and love finding beauty in the ordinary.

How do you stay up to date with new fashion trends and beauty hacks?
I am constantly scouring Pinterest to add to my boards. I also follow a lot of fashion related accounts on IG that help keep me inspired and up to date.


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