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Mode Around the Globe: Pau Dictado



Corazon Cabo Resort & Spa

Photographed by

Pau Dictado

Where are you from and how does it differ from where you live now?
I currently live in Los Angeles, California but I actually grew up in Manila, Philippines! Both cities are culturally different in so many ways, but they’re both the same in terms of the hustle and bustle. The weather in Manila could also be brutal at times as it tends to get really hot and humid, whereas LA weather is mostly nice and warm throughout the year!

If you had to summarize your beauty routine in five steps, what would it be?
Step 1: Concealer
Step 2: Blush
Step 3: Brow Tint
Step 4: Loose Powder
Step 5: Lip Balm or Gloss

What’s your go to Showpo outfit for lunch with the girls this summer?
I love this mini dress from one of Showpo’s brands, Amalie The Label! They have the most amazing summer pieces and I think this dress is a perfect combination of fresh, minimal and effortless. I would pair it with white strappy heels and white mini tote.

What are your favorite stores to shop, in store & online?

As of right now, I really love shopping on Showpo for everyday wear, Aritzia and Alo for all things athleisure, Meshki for party/evening wear, and SSENSE for designer brands!

How did you develop the career you have today? What tips & tricks can you extend to someone aspiring to have a career like your own?
Simply by sharing what I love! And my best advice is to do just that. Share your passions and tag brands you love organically. It’s never too late to start! Planning and consistency is also key to building an online presence. Try to keep up with the trends but make them your own 🙂

Who and what inspires you? Why?
So many things inspire me daily! Fashion, art, film, and music to name a few. When I’m feeling uninspired, I like to indulge in different types of art forms. Whether it’s going to a museum or watching an old film. I love being able to see things with a different perspective.

A good book and/or TV show you read/watched recently?
I recently watched Bridgerton and loved it! If you haven’t watched it yet, this is your sign.

What was your favorite part of the Modeliste getaway to Cabo Corazon?

My favorite part was meeting the most beautiful souls on the trip! Everyone had such a good vibe and the energy was incredible.

How do you hope to influence people through your social media platforms?
I hope to influence people to live their best lives and strive to be the very best version of themselves <3

When’s the last time you cried happy tears?
Oh my gosh, I actually don’t remember! Probably cry-laughing over funny TikToks.

What’s the craziest fan experience you’d ever had? What would you like to say to your fans?
The coolest experience I had recently was meeting a few of my followers on a bachelorette trip with my friends in Mexico! I bumped into them at a bar on our last night and they even got me a drink and met my friends! They were absolute sweethearts.

What would you title this chapter in your life?
Living, Loving and Learning.

Are you working on any exciting projects you’d like to share?
I have a couple of exciting projects lined up for this year that I can’t share just yet, but you can follow along my socials to be the first to know!


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