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Mode Around the Globe: Michelle Hayden




Photographed by Monique Yelvington @roughhgem
Videography by Gabe Sanchez @galzmedia
Special thanks to Vallarta Adventures

What was your defining moment as a social media influencer?
The defining moment as a social media influencer for me was the pandemic. Prior to 2020 my primary and only source of work was commercials and TV shows which I truly enjoyed so much. I had freedom to be “someone else” for a time. It was an escape for me. When the pandemic hit I couldn’t run anymore. I had to face me, my issues, my struggles. Instead of connecting with fellow actors on set, I reached out through social platforms to find that human connection that I have always craved. I got a chance to explore myself and my love for dancing was reignited, which funny enough is exactly how I started in the entertainment industry.

How do you hope to influence people through your social media platform? What can people expect to see when visiting your social media page(s)?
​My goal through my social media platforms is to positively contribute to my social media friends’ lives in some capacity. The only way I know how to do this is to be authentically me. I stay true to who I am by staying all natural physically, mentally by my food choices on and offline. When people come to my page they can expect to find daily morning workouts, my clean healthy living and working as brand manager for Drink Barcode which is an all-natural fitness water.

What do you predict will be the biggest trends of fall?
I think the biggest fall trends will be baggy oversized clothes and denim. A very relaxed, chic and effortless look. People want something that isn’t just meant for A-list celebs. We all want to be able to feel good with pieces that we all can afford.

Favorite dish to make for the holidays?

My favorite holiday dish is a Nicaraguan staple, Arroz Con Leche (Rice with Milk) . I don’t cook so I don’t have my own recipe but it has super simple ingredients! Rice, milk and cinnamon. It is my favorite thing in life.

Favorite brands / places to shop?
: ​My favorite place to shop is online, unless it’s shoes and bags. Other than that, I do not want to spend hours aimlessly walking around stores. I think I can find better use of my time.

A movie you can watch on repeat?
Honestly, I am one and done. But the only one that I may be willing to watch again is the last Top Gun. Tom Cruz is a legend.

What’s your go-to airport look? Essentials to pack in a carry on?
My go-to airport look is something comfortable which for me means stretchy like a nice sweatsuit and something long sleeve. I am a germaphobe and I don’t want my bare skin touching a dirty plane. In my carry-on pack, I have Vaseline for my lips (moisturizing is very important for me) and my Invisalign. I always take the opportunities on planes to wear them. I also bring hand sanitizer and First Aid Beauty eye duty cream. It’s much better than concealer in my opinion.

What was the highlight of your stay with Modeliste at Villa Premiere?
The highlight of my stay with Modeliste at Villa Premiere was the other girls. All the girls are so genuine, kind, sweet and fun! Not an easy combination to find.

What’s a typical work day like for you?
A typical work day for me starts at 6am. It’s important that I start the day for myself before I serve anyone else. I wake up and say a prayer. Then I cuddle with my puppy Papi for a few minutes, brush my teeth, put on some workout clothes and go for a walk with Papi while I listen to something educational. I want to learn something new at the beginning of every day. It sets a tone. I’ll then head in to see my personal trainer. I enjoy working out in the morning which gives me energy and confidence before heading to the office and getting a full day of emails, calls and meetings for Drink Barcode. We are a small team of four so days are jam packed!

What’s your everyday make-up routine? Any products you’d recommend for our Modeliste readers?
Now that I am in a corporate world with Drink Barcode and head into the office, I like a quick and simple makeup look. A little foundation, brows, lashes, bronzer and blush with a gloss lip. Sounds like a lot but it goes on quickly. I mentioned this before the First Aid Beauty under eye cream really does what it claims, brightens the under eye so beautifully.

What’s something your fans would be surprised to know about you?

I think people would be surprised to find out how much I love wildlife. I’m fascinated with safari animals and my dream is to travel to Africa one day and see elephants, lions and zebras in their natural habitat. For now. I enjoy watching National Geographic documentaries.

Are you working on any projects you’d like to share?
I am working on expanding Drink Barcode CPG products. We have a really tasty yummy treat coming in Spring 2023 as well as a merch line that will be dropping beginning of January 2023.

Where do you gain inspiration for content? Any tips & tricks you’d like to share for those inspiring to have a career like your own?
I gain inspiration for my content from a mix of things. One of them being other content creators. I look for how they are able to take a simple task and make it their own. How does their personality shine through? That’s always what I ask myself and then apply it to myself. How am I going to share my workout routines in a way that shows more of who I am?
A suggestion I have for anyone that is looking to get into content creation is try everything until you get you feel comfortable being in front of the camera. I think content that does the best is when someone feels like they are in the room with you.

What makes you different from other content creators?
What makes me stand out from other content creators is that I do things that are socially labeled “uncool” in this world. I don’t do drugs, I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t really party without a purpose. I love celebrating my friends or monumental achievements but I am not just going to go out because it’s Friday and people will think I am lame if I don’t.

What would you like to say to your fans?
To anyone that has followed me I want to say thank you. I wouldn’t have the opportunities I have if it weren’t for the people who support my content. And thank you for caring about what I put out. I hope that it positively impacts you even if it’s just puts a smile on your face.

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