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Mode Around the Globe: Taylor Lashae



Taylor Lashae

Amatte Wellnest Community
San Miguel De Allende

Photographed by EMILYNN ROSE
Videography by GABE SANCHEZ

What was your defining moment as a content creator/social media influencer?

My defining moment for me happened when i dropped my life in the states and decided to travel from country to country for 6 years. I’ve lived in 7 countries with two purposes in mind. Work and create relationships with brands all over the world and work nonstop while simultaneously seeing the world in the process! That changed the whole game for me j mentally and career wise.

How do you hope to influence people through your social media platform? What can people expect to see when visiting your social media page(s)?
I believe the feeling i want people to get while visiting my page is that film/romance is not dead. Being sentimental and wildly nostalgic is lovely and a dying breed. I want people to feel transported to an old soul of art and creation.

What do you predict will be the biggest trends of fall/winter?
I’m horrible with trends but if I had a guess. I’d say oversized chunky knits with large scarfs.

Fall travel plans?
Heading back to ParĂ­s and London right before it starts getting to cold and all I want to do is hibernate.

Favorite brands / places to shop?
My favorite places to shop are thrift shops, local brands, things that aren’t mass produced and more special to buy. Pieces that last, pieces that have meaning.

A holiday movie you can watch on repeat?
Ooo, that’s hard. I like The Grinch!

What’s your go-to airport look? Essentials to pack in a carry on?
Black on black on black always and silver hard luggage.

What was the highlight of your stay with Modeliste at AMATTE?
Where do I begin, First off, everyone on the trip was a dream to hang with and meet. The highlight was going to the winery and having such amazing food with everyone while it poured down rain! It was such a memorable and beautiful place, the rain was stunning and it was just beautiful. Definitely a highlight!

What’s a typical work day like for you?
All things not glorious, haha, steaming, prepping, destroying my space with makeup and accessories, haha! Finally, shooting and then putting on my biggest sweatshirt after and editing in a dark room.

What’s your everyday make-up routine? Any products you’d recommend for our Modeliste readers?
I’m very natural most of the day. My favorite brand is Saie for skin and face tint. I seriously live by it. Gucci bronzer and gloss are my go-tos. I like to be tan and I like to be glossy and fresh.

What’s something your fans would be surprised to know about you?
I’m not really materialistic. I like shopping but I don’t shop very often. It stresses me out to have too many things actually, so I constantly clean out my closets because the less the better!

Are you working on any projects you’d like to share?
I am working on another sunglass line coming out in summer that I’m truly excited about.

Where do you gain inspiration for content? Any tips & tricks you’d like to share for those aspiring to have a career like your own?
Music has always been my biggest influence and old films. I adore watching old French, New Wave, and old films on TCM.

What makes you different from other content creators?
I’d like to say I’m not really a “trending” influencer. I also just do what I like, and “my brand” is just who I am, so I pretty much stay in my pocket of things I love.

What would you like to say to your fans?
I close my eyes and smile as I think about this answer. I want to say thank you for all your support throughout all these years. Over 10 years I have been public online, and the support and love I’ve felt from people doesn’t have a price tag. They give me the spirit to continue doing what I love and, having them enjoy that, is beyond thank yous and words.

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