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Mode Around The Globe: Rikki Feerrar



Hotel Les Bains
Paris, France

Rikki Feerrar

Videography by GABE SANCHEZ

Glam with Jouer

What was your defining moment as a content creator/social media influencer?
Everything about becoming a content creator happened so fast for me- which I think is common for a lot of people in the industry. I think my defining moment personally was when I realized I was partnering and working with some of the biggest beauty brands in the industry- if you told me that would be the case in my younger years I wouldn’t believe it!

How do you hope to influence people through your social media platform? What can people expect to see when visiting your social media page(s)?
I hope to inspire people to just go for their dreams. I took a risky step towards my dreams and never looked back! Being a beauty creator is so fun and can provide so many opportunities for anyone- if you have an interest in sharing, do it!!! The industry is always looking for new inspiration and there’s room for everyone.

What do you predict will be the biggest trends of winter season?
Winter trends that I definitely think will be popular- warm sun kissed winter glow with a darker lip.. that’s my prediction.

Any upcoming travel plans you’re looking forward to?
Obviously my next tropical trip with Modeliste!!

Favorite brands and places to shop this holiday season?
I always love Zara for a good blazer- which pairs so well to dress up or dress down. And I’m so excited to shop for something FUN for this holiday season and New Years at Revolve- they always have such cute things.

What’s your favorite holiday dish and tradition? 
Anything my mom cooks for the holidays is my favorite. She’s an amazing cook and our holiday spreads are lavish- she goes all out. Specifically, i love her sweet potatoes with marshmallows- my mouth is watering talking about it.

What’s your go-to airport look? Essentials to pack in a carry on?
Definitely a cute pair of sneaks, cute sweats or leggings, and then a comfy oversized sweater with layers underneath. In my carry on I always have a good book, hair clip, headphones, gum, and skincare! I love to bring face masks and lip treatments for in flight.

What was the highlight of your stay with Modeliste in Paris?  
The highlight of my trip was meeting all the girls and just being so inspired by the way they do everything and their creativity. It was seriously the best!

What’s a typical work week like for you? Any advice you have for staying productive throughout the week?
My weeks and days change a lot, but I always make sure that I start my morning with some type of movement, filtered water with lemon first thing, make my bed, and then I start my work day. Some days I’m filming and in the studio, some days I’m with clients, and almost all of my days consist of setting aside time to plan a strategy, respond to emails, and stay organized with what seems to be my endless to-do list. With that being said, I stay productive by making achievable lists and making sure I do everything I intend to do that morning or afternoon. I also love multi-tasking- if I need to do a phone call with a brand I will grab my headphones and go on a walk to also get some steps in. I also feel like movement helps with inspiration for content ideas!

What’s your go to makeup routine for a holiday dinner party? Any products you’d recommend for our Modeliste readers?
Go to makeup for a holiday party- a fun lip to pop and then also LOVE to pair something glowy or shimmering on the eyes. Last year I used a lot of Charlotte Tilbury products to create these looks, and they were perfect! The lips and eye products are so pigmented and long lasting- highly recommended.

What’s something your fans would be surprised to know about you? 

I have my degree in child development psychology and, before content creating, my goal was to be a therapist for children!

Are you working on any projects you’d like to share? 
I’m in a Band called ‘CuteBadMusic’ with 4 girls from around the world – creating dance pop music.

Where do you gain inspiration for content? Any tips & tricks you’d like to share for those inspiring to have a career like your own? 
Yes!!! I’m working on SO much – with other brands and individually. I can’t say too much but if you follow along my journey, you’ll soon get a hint!

What makes you different from other content creators?
I get a lot of inspiration from the internet with artists I look up to, but also music! Sometimes when I’m getting ready, depending on what songs I’m listening to, it affects how my makeup looks. Even when I’m creatively filming, I will throw all of my makeup on the floor, turn on a playlist and just have fun with applying the products, pairing different things, and see what I come up with!

What makes you different from other content creators? 
I think what makes me different from other content creators is how I use products and think outside the box. I remember a few years ago I shared that I love putting my blush on my eyes and it shocked so many people. I feel like, with makeup, people tend to just follow what they’re told- for example you NEED to do this on your eyes and you HAVE to put this on your lips. But when you go against the rules you can create something really fun.

What would you like to say to your fans?
Honestly, my best advice for my beauty lovers is to have fun with makeup and skincare. There are no rules, don’t stress over perfection, and if it makes you feel confident, do it!


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