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Mode Around The Globe: Natalia Caban



Los Cabos, Mexico
Photographed by Monique Yelvington

How did you begin your career? 

I was signed to my first modeling agency at 19 and have loved my job ever since then!

How do you hope to inspire people through your social media platform? What can your followers expect to see when visiting your social media page(s)? 
I love sharing moments of my life. I try not to take it too seriously and have fun! You can find makeup tutorials, photos of places I’ve traveled, and my world in general.
You can’t fully know an individual through a digital space, but I’m sure a bit of one’s essence comes out in some way!

What do you predict will be the biggest trends this winter?
Earthy tones, textured layers, rings, leather jackets, tights and heeled boots.

What did you love most about your getaway to Cabo with Modeliste?
The opportunity to meet new people and explore such a beautiful place.

What was your favorite aspect of the Villa la Valencia resort?
The weather, the layout of the rooms, the incredible restaurants and of course the people that work there make it a dream!

Favorite book?

Hmmmmm… I’m more of a script/podcast girl but I love anything J. K. Rowling.

Do you have any upcoming travel plans? If so, where?
Will be hoping between NYC & LA! Back to work! 😉

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I’m a great balance of both. I love people and am intentional with how I spend my time.

What’s your go-to airport look? Essentials to pack in a carry on?
Leggings, sneakers, leather jacket, sunglasses!

Girls night in or Girls night out?
Girls night out!

What’s a typical work week like for you? Any advice you have for staying productive throughout the week?

I spend my week going to castings, having a zoom meeting here or there with my manager, going to set and meeting new clients, answering emails and shooting tutorials! Productivity is a decision you make in the moment to reach a desired goal. Step by step- it’s the essence of life! Might as well develop a good practice.

What’s your current skincare routine? Any products you’d recommend for our Modeliste readers?
I keep it simple. Exfoliate every so often and use SPF always. I’ve been so impressed with Tula Beauty and Pixi Beauty!

What’s something your followers would be surprised to know about you?
I am philosophical and curious at my core.

Where do you gain inspiration for content? Any tips & tricks you’d like to share for those inspiring to have a career like your own?
There’s so many great creators, take pieces of what inspire you and make something of your own that you love.

What makes you different from other content creators?
I am biased of course but I don’t think there’s anyone else like me. And this is true in person as well. We all have our own individuality. We can try to be like other people but our unique character peeks through!

What would you like to say to your fans/followers?
Sounds cheesy but I am so happy to be on this journey of life with all of you! However crazy life is, the experiences we have are truly worth it.

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