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Mode Around the Globe: Julia Kelly



Casa Velas Puerto Vallarta
Photographed by Torrey West

How did you begin your career?
I began my career on the Vine app back in the day when Influencers were a brand new concept. I was a shy seventeen year old, and was looking for a job or a group of people that I could fit into. That’s when I found a family of people at my local church here in LA. We would meet up at one of their houses everyday, and just create.
I grew so much being around them, they pushed me to be more confident about my creative abilities. Eventually I discovered how much I enjoyed making content on other social platforms and the doors it would open, not only as a content creator but also as an actor. I’m so grateful for how organic things evolved.

What do you predict will be the biggest fashion trends this spring?
I hope that this coming spring the trend is to “NOT” follow trends and feel free to express how you feel through fashion everyday.

What was your favorite part about your stay at Casa Velas?
Too many amazing things to mention about my stay at Casa Velas. You feel right at home as soon as you arrive, and the whole staff is so warm and friendly.
I can’t forget to mention how amazing the food was too. It was really nice to go back to Puerto Vallarta, I hadn’t been back there for over 10 years after my family and I had lived there for 3 years!

Do you have any upcoming travel plans? If so, where?
My next trip will be back to New York for one of my best friends’ baby showers and I couldn’t be more excited. Then I am planning to go to Lisbon, Portugal this summer!

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I would call myself an extroverted introvert. I love being around small groups of people that I can have stimulating conversations with, but no matter what, I need time to recharge afterwards.

What’s your go-to airport look? Essentials to pack in a carry on?
Usually I look pretty rough when I travel. I love to stay cozy in a sweatsuit, but have layers so I don’t burn up. My carry-on is made up of airpods, anti-bacterial wipes. hand sanitizer, deodorant, perfume, toothbrush, hair brush, blotting paper, and finally sunglasses. Got to stay healthy and fresh no matter what.

Girls night in or Girls night out?
A girl’s night in 100%. Wine, snacks, and a movie is usually what that consists of.

What’s a typical work week like for you? Any advice you have for staying productive throughout the week?

A typical work week looks different everyday. It’s hard to plan ahead of time when an acting audition or meeting could pop up at a short moment’s notice.
I try my best to always check emails first thing in the AM and have a physical calendar so I can visualize the weeks ahead. I also make sure to listen to my body, and rest when I need to. Since I work freelance, I create the whole plan, but my assistant keeps it all in check.

What’s your current skincare routine? Any products you’d recommend for our Modeliste readers?
I used to struggle with cystic hormonal acne, so you can imagine how many products I’ve tried. What keeps me acne free is paying attention to the food I put in my body and drinking as much water as possible everyday.
My best friend is an esthetician, so she put me on a full dermalogica routine. I’ve never had more compliments on my skin in my life.

What’s something your followers would be surprised to know about you?
I think my followers would be surprised at how I read every single message they send me. I am so grateful for all of them.

Where do you gain inspiration for content? Any tips & tricks you’d like to share for those inspiring to have a career like your own?
It’s impossible to stay inspired all the time. I let myself have no inspo sometimes and just let the clothes I wear or movies I watch that week organically inspire me.

What would you like to say to your fans/followers?
I would Like to tell all my followers that “I Love them to bits” and hope to keep inspiring them, and to always be nice and “Love one another”.


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