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Mode Around the Globe: Taylor Lashae



Casa Velas Puerto Vallarta
Photographed by Torrey West

How did you begin your career? 
I feel like this is such a long story because it has been such a huge journey. I sort of always knew what I wanted to do. Even though there wasn’t a direct “title” for it. I knew I wanted to model and that I had the “ham personality” in front of a camera. This combined with a love for fashion and the desire to travel the world all culminated to this beautiful thing I now call my “career”. I think after I experienced my big girl jobs working as an agent at a few top modeling agencies in Texas and New York, I knew it was time to flip the script and model myself. luckily Instagram was the perfect place to call home with my desire to model and create a style of my own. I then took my lil bob hair cut and traveled the world for over 6 years (and counting). I have lived in many places shooting for brands and doing exactly what I love to do!

How do you hope to inspire people through your social media platform? What can your followers expect to see when visiting your social media page(s)? 
To be honest, I’m not sure what other people see when they look at my page. Probably a romantic that loves old black and white french films, loves lipstick and a bottle of wine. I’m unbothered and simply myself? I’m not entirely sure. I hope that’s what they see. Just me.

What do you predict will be the biggest fashion trends this spring?
I’ve never been great with trends! I stay true to what has always been flattering on me – high waisted pants, ankle boots (always Cuban heeled, and ALWAYS black) reddest of red lips and probably a black turtleneck. As far as what I believe the trends will be? I have no idea… I heard the 2000s are coming back. I’m a bit scared watching this happen but here we are lol

What was your favorite part about your stay at Casa Velas?

Besides the obvious stunning city on one of the most pristine beaches, the people absolutely made it for me. The other girls, artists, crew, locals, and everyone! Everybody’s big beautiful personalities mixed stunningly. Nothing is better than meeting such amazing souls.

Do you have any upcoming travel plans? If so, where?
I am actually currently in New York writing this interview. Next up I’m headed to England for a  month or so visiting my fiancé and road tripping through the northern countryside! Which has always been on my to do list. After that I’m headed back to New York — I’ve got something massive in the works.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I turned and asked my friend what she thought I was an introvert or extrovert? She dead pans me and says both. I think she’s right. Depends on the situation, or day!
What’s your go-to airport look? Essentials to pack in a carry on?  
Black trousers, black turtleneck, black ankle boots, big comfy jacket, black luggage, big black sunnies, and red lip oil. It sounds like I’m a part of the Addams family, but it’s true! Every time. It never fails me.
Girls night in or Girls night out?  
IN! Games, snacks, movies and wine. Bliss.

What’s a typical work week like for you? Any advice you have for staying productive throughout the week? 
Prioritize your days into sections. Somedays I do 2 hours on my computer doing emails. 2 hours cleaning my house. 2 hours working again, and so on.. it actually works! Pro note: change the music each two hours too that fits.. Mine is “study piano” playlist on Spotify when I work and I shuffle my “Pluto” playlist when I clean (shameless plug).
What’s your current skincare routine? Any products you’d recommend for our Modeliste readers?
Tata Harper Oil Cleanser is my go-to. And honestly any type of oil afterwards. I have extremely dry skin so I am an oil girl by default.
What’s something your followers would be surprised to know about you?
I don’t sit on Instagram as much as they think most influencers do! I simply do not. I think because it’s work for me. I post and get off until maybe the next day or so- or even when I just need to post. I prefer watching Tiktok’s and mind melting things rather than other people’s lives. That’s just me though.
Where do you gain inspiration for content? Any tips & tricks you’d like to share for those inspiring to have a career like your own?
Old French Films. Watch things that feel like who you are inside. Listen to things that make you want to cry, whether sad or touching, seek out those feelings and live there, indefinitely.
What makes you different from other content creators?
Honestly, there is nothing different from me than other content creators. We all have an art, we all have stories to tell, we have a certain style or bit, we all have something beautiful. the only thing is that all look different, other than that I truly think we are the same
What would you like to say to your fans/followers?
The support from my followers has been overwhelming after all these years. Over a decade now, I still see each and every one of you! Thank you, truly.

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